Ponies actually like my writing?! I am happy :D (He/Him)
Say hi! I mean, you came to my profile for one reason or another, don't be shy~!
3513079Fair enough. I bow to your linguistic mastery. It's been a while since I've been able to sit down and binge like that.
3512431I have binging syndrome, I'll devour any story less than 200k in 1-2 days. I like to let them finish or get fat and juicy first
Hey there and thanks for checking out a new changeling queen. I've only missed one weekly upload so far, if you're weary of stuff being left unfinished.
3458649You fell for my dastardly plan for more interaction, muahahaha!
Hai! ヾ(^ ∇ ^).
I got trapped into saying hi after reading your bio.
Fair enough. I bow to your linguistic mastery. It's been a while since I've been able to sit down and binge like that.
I have binging syndrome, I'll devour any story less than 200k in 1-2 days. I like to let them finish or get fat and juicy first
Hey there and thanks for checking out a new changeling queen. I've only missed one weekly upload so far, if you're weary of stuff being left unfinished.
You fell for my dastardly plan for more interaction, muahahaha!
Hai! ヾ(^ ∇ ^).
I got trapped into saying hi after reading your bio.