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In memorium · 6:36am May 31st

In memorium of a story which has been deleted.
In memorium of a lost bleakpocolypse which will have you believing that suicide is the fruit of joy and unbridled optimism.
In memorium of President Dead’s lost work, _Retrograde_.
As AR3697 turns its baleful glare back towards the one known home of creatures capable of knowing joy, I sing the universe to its rest.
The sun is rising and I reflect back on Twilight’s words.
There is definitely something there.

Report eiggengrau · 41 views ·
Comments ( 52 )
  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52

3387380 Nah don't worry about joking about insurance rates... the insurance companies, the scammers, need to be brought down a peg or dozen.

Ouch, sorry to even joke about insurance rates. But yer a good pony for taking care of your dam.
I don't think that i actually have any fake heroes for you to insure against their true colours.

gah... don't get me started on paying hella premiums my car insurance doubled because I had to get a second vehicle so my physically disabled mom could have a vehicle to use (one week of no car and she was exhausted and I was not going to let her go another week)

If your underwriter gets a look at my notes, your gonna be paying hella premiums for that.

Good thing I have fake-heroes-showing-their-true-colors insurance.

  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52
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