• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I’m cuckoo for Coco Pommel!


New Story Out Now! · 10:02pm Aug 24th, 2020

Rotten Oranges

This is a slightly different direction for me to be taking, but I hope you all enjoy it!

Report Quillamore · 239 views ·

New IYGALL-Verse Story Out Soon (IMPORTANT BLOG POST) · 8:58pm Aug 23rd, 2020

Good news: I finally finished something fanfiction related over the weekend and am very close to sending it all you guys' way. Bad news: this is going to be a fair bit more complicated than any of you might be expecting. In fact, it could very well be the most controversial thing I've ever written. This week, I will be providing you with official IYGALL cut content.

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STATE OF THE AUTHOR: I Know I Said No More Surprises, But... · 4:56am Jul 19th, 2020

...I gotta say, I was really hoping to pull off one last one.

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New Let Somepony Love You Out Soon! · 4:34am May 8th, 2020

The Imperfect Storm draft took me longer than expected, but eventually, the global pandemic made me realize I had to get it done sooner or later. And so, I'm back on FiMFiction (for a limited time, at least, more about that in a bit), and ready to update my stories!

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New Let Somepony Love You Out Soon! · 4:34am May 8th, 2020

The Imperfect Storm draft took me longer than expected, but eventually, the global pandemic made me realize I had to get it done sooner or later. And so, I'm back on FiMFiction (for a limited time, at least, more about that in a bit), and ready to update my stories!

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FiMFiction Update! · 3:20am Oct 13th, 2019

A lot of people have been reacting to the MLP finale and how much the show has meant to them, but as I'm behind on the show, I'll leave those discussions for later. What's more important, in my view, is to let you know where I stand right now. I will not be actively creating stories on this site for another month or so, and I want you to know that this is not because of the series finale.

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The Ice Queen Cometh! · 1:48am Aug 28th, 2019

I just released my new story for the Sunset Shipping Contest. Ice Queen! I know it’s quite the long one, but please feel free to check it out!

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My Sunset Shipping Contest Entry Drops Soon! · 6:17am Aug 26th, 2019


Here Goes Everything! · 2:08am Aug 8th, 2019

For the last couple of years, I’ve really wanted to enter one of Oroboro’s Sunset Shipping Contests, but stayed out of them because I tend to be risk-averse. So many great authors have written for these contests, and I’ve never been quite sure if I could match up. Heck, even now, I’m not sure.

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YOLO, Plus Ultra, and All That Jazz · 4:36pm Aug 3rd, 2019

This is the cringiest blog title I've ever thought up, so you guys know I had to subject you to it.

Long story short, I decided to take a risk and put my new series up on FiMFiction in the heat of BronyCon. Will it pay off? Tune into Let Somepony Love You (Before It's Too Late) to find out (or not)! It'll be up in a few minutes.

To everyone at BronyCon, I hope you're having a good time and tell me all about it when you get back!

Report Quillamore · 264 views · #new series