• Member Since 7th Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen May 27th, 2018


I'm a thirty something truck driver who lives in the San Antonio area. I'm a big time brony and a fan of Rarity. I hope you all enjoy my stories.


Status of A Winter Romance · 9:16pm May 10th, 2014

Update: Okay.  Sorry for the looooong wait, guys.  Not only do I have a job that takes long hours, but I must've reworked the opening scene at least four times.  I think I've found a groove, though, so the rest should come easy.

Heh heh.  Come easy.

I'll try to get the next chapter out within a week.

Anywho, wasn't that a smashing season finale?

Report pmcollectorboy · 524 views · Story: A Winter Romance ·
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any news of a winter romance?

I see you like Rarity... :duck:

Rarity's Tale will be romantic and somewhat sad. Okay it'll be VERY sad, but as part of the longer saga, I don't think I'll have her end up with Spike in this one. She's destined for one of my OCs. Just haven't decided on the details. I've noticed you're not too keen on Sparity, but I AM writing one. It just won't be Rarity's Tale.

Oh well thank you. Nevermind Rarity's Tale. LOL. It's on hiatus for now and I'm putting it through a hard wringer, possibly giving it some drastic changes. It's part of a much larger saga, and I'm trying to come up with some tying theme. It's hard when my editor likes the rule of KISS, and I'm a fan of purple prose and epic complexities. BUT... Stone Hearts isn't going through a change. It's on hiatus, but I'm quite fond of the story. It arose from Season Two and a need to address the wonderment of the EDQ readers over seeing Tom paired up with Rarity. I'm also cooking up a good romantic Sparity, one clop version and one PG-13 version.

Thank you for the follow!

I noticed your story with Rarity, and I'm definitely going to be reading it!
She's my waifu!:raritywink:

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