• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen July 19th


I write stories, I hope I'm getting better as I go. Watch out for unfortunate go time and Home Alone, not my best works.


I'm the worst with submitting fics. · 3:13am Jan 13th, 2013

No matter what I write, I always end up rushing into a sprint to finish it so it pops up on the site, because once I did that and it just immediately got through. So today I'm just sitting here like an idiot, reading the AMA and going, man I wonder when they'll post my fic, without realizing I'm watching every person who can approve it do something else.

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Hello! I’m here from the Friendshipping group, and i was wondering if you wanted help organizing the group’s folder. There’s only one folder right now, and I think it’d be easier for people to find what they’re looking for if there were more. Just let me know.:pinkiesmile: have a great Sunday!

277591 Thanks. :pinkiesmile: I hope you enjoy the stories you choose to read.

Ha, thanks. I always love knowing I'm being watched. And yeah, I did notice the notifications on past stories, and realized that I'd have to check out an author with such exquisite taste. I've only read Pinkie and the fly so far, but your stuff looks good.

Hi :pinkiesmile:

I'm sure you've noticed I've been diving through some of your Pinkie stories lately. I liked them, so, if you don't mind, I'll be watching you. :twilightsmile:

I don't know, Its written about as well as anything else on here. The thing is its sort of a sequel to my little dashie (plus some doctor who) and my feelings on writing it have changed. I wouldn't start it because I'm never going to finish it.

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