So I Made a Video About Chris Chan · 2:38pm Aug 4th, 2021
For those of you unfamiliar Chris Chan is an internet celebrity with Autism that has been known for years for exhibiting increasingly horrific behavior that eventually resulted in him being in legal hot water for allegedly raping his 80 year old mother. In this video I emphasize that while Chris Chan is an extreme example he is a potential warning of what can happen if we don't take responsibility for our own actions and decide to play the victim.
It indeed is.
3500861 I stand by my words. Complacency is our number 1 enemy.
think it still holds up?
yes im deadposting, sorry Earth, just bored
Famous last words.
3059889 It wouldn't surprise me if the "Delta variant" was actually caused by the shots themselves, or they just made it up to scare people. FDR may not be my favorite person ever but his phrase "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" is more relevant to this issue than any other I can think of.