• Member Since 30th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Saturday


Brotherhood of Nod Confessor who using the most powerful computer to look at the internet of other worlds and not paying the bill. (Fuking LEGON wanted 150 per hour)

A confessor is offten seen as this.


I'm lost on what I want to do. · 8:13am Jul 15th, 2014

I am currently writing a story of a Brotherhood of Nod confessor going to Equestria but a darker one as I came up with ideas that share the universes of Fall of Equestria or Your Human, and You. I got ideas for both but I can do so much as a person with little experience of writing that isn't bond to school boundary's.
I'll the ideas down to see if any you guys want to put to a vote.

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Thanks for the fav on We are Many!:twilightsmile:

A new group dedicated to glorious Communism has come. Spread the word and join our herd:twilightblush:


Thanks for the follow! It really helps a lot! New Ticci Toby story coming later today! ^^

1228383 no prob I really did like.

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