• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen February 4th

The Last Mari Lwyd

“I've no truck with snobbery at all. To me they're all the same: literature, porno, dog racing.” - Dean Learner


I Wanna Be Your Pony, the comic version · 8:40pm Nov 3rd, 2015

I was going to save this for another three weeks so I could reveal it on IWBYP's anniversary, but y'know what? Screw it. I'm too excited.

(Also -- nearly a year since I posted this? Bloody hell. That's terrifying.)

Anyway, a few days ago an artist going by the name of Silvertrash sent me a message and said he wanted to make a manga version of my story. Once I had retrieved my jaw from the groud, I gave the project my blessing.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12

I really wish I knew where SILVERTRASH over on DeviantArt and Tumblr was:

He was doing such an amazing and awesome comic of your "I wanna be your pony" fic.
I hope he's not dead. :(


I'm afraid not. Not at the moment, anyway. I have too many other commitments to do much ponyfic. Sorry!

I really loved "I Wanna Be Your Pony"! I was wondering if to take requests? I have a few Dazzling-related ideas you might like...

Okay, so I'm sensing there was the implication that I was some kind of weirdo who got off on domestic violence, so I'd just like to steer you to this blog. In any case, I got rid of the thread 'cause I sensed it wasn't gonna go anywhere.


Just you and SkycatcherEQ. I tried to post a comment about it earlier, but apparently it didn't get posted.

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