When Twilight Sparkle introduces Rainbow Dash to the wide world of Daring Do fanfiction, Rainbow Dash takes it upon herself to write the BEST FANFIC EVAR. What could possibly go wrong?
Rainbow Dash closed her eyes, trying to think about anything but the straps that bound her to the wooden board. She cracked one eye open just wide enough to see Applejack, mouth full of the knives that would soon be racing though the air towards her.
Celestia left the public eye of Canterlot to be alone with her beloved, Twilight Sparkle. All she ever wanted could finally be hers. Together in love within her sanctuary, Celestia attempts to have a perfect day with Twilight.
The time for Twilight to succeed Celestia as Bearer of the Sun has come. But as the abdication ceremony in which Celestia will relinquish her power approaches, Twilight begins to desperately search for a way to stop the ceremony and save her friend.
Twilight Sparkle has a one of a kind chance to talk to an actual batpony. It is a great opportunity to finally learn the truth about their species. Entry to the EQD's Batpony Writeoff.
Twilight has always been very good at completing lists. Now, after getting near the end of the biggest list she's ever made, Twilight decides to treat herself in a very personal way that would make Celestia blush.
The Dragonborn Chronicles: Part 1 - Ponies in SkyrimTwilight Sparkle finds an ancient book in her library about teleportation magic. After an experiement gone wrong she and her friends find themselves in a strange land with new friends and make some new enemies.by Barix123
67,524 words
· 230 · 22
Elements of the NightThe Elements of Harmony are dead. Equestria is in mourning. And yet, while the daytime has grown increasingly darker, the night has become as lively as ever.by Barix123
4,296 words
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The Taco of DestinyPinkie Pie is in possession of the 'Taco of Destiny'. This can't end well.by Barix123
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Awesome Sories Everyone Needs To Read
Why No One Messes With CelestiaA Reaper dreadnaught confronts Celestia, intent upon indoctrinating the leadership of the ponies. Said Reaper quickly learns exactly why Celestia has earned the title Unconquered.by scion
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Thank you for adding Sex Therapy to your shelf!!
Hey! Thank you for having added How I Ended Up Living With Six Pony Girls? to your favorites, means a lot to me, and I hope you keep enjoying it.
Hello, I like your Queen Twilight Sparkle Story.
I am so very glad that you like my story enough to give it a read; thank you ever so kindly for the opportunity to entertain you. *bows humbly*
Hey there! Thanks for addingThe Power of the Equinox!