• Member Since 5th Sep, 2013
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"From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend reading it." Groucho Marx


Rainbow Rocks: What Haunts Me To This Day · 8:50pm Jun 4th, 2022

In the lead-up to Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, Hasbro released some promotional music videos. Some of the songs were really catchy, and I listened to them multiple times. One song was titled "Friendship Through The Ages." During this song, there is a scene where it starts black and then the faces of the mane six characters fade-in and appear. They do this one at a time, as each one sings her part.

It starts like this:

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Comments ( 36 )
  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36

You did get my last Pm, right? Just making sure

I’m curious though I should probably put more time into the stories I already started.

  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36
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