The downpour had made it impossible to open their beloved flower shop, but instead of sulking, the mares decided to make the most of the unexpected day off.
Lily's conspiracy newspaper said that there was a monster near Ponyville, and while it was mostly wild speculation, town gossip said that Ginger Gold suddenly had somebody unexpected working in her woodlot.
The downpour had made it impossible to open their beloved flower shop, but instead of sulking, the mares decided to make the most of the unexpected day off.
Lily's conspiracy newspaper said that there was a monster near Ponyville, and while it was mostly wild speculation, town gossip said that Ginger Gold suddenly had somebody unexpected working in her woodlot.
Due to a drop in birth and marriage rates, Princess Cadence decides to make it so that anypony can find out who their soul mate is, if they wish to know. What can go wrong?
The old potionmaker lives deep in the woods with her adopted daughters Lily and Daisy. Their days together are simple and sweet, and the flowers in their garden bloom every summer without fail. But in the darkness of the Everfree something else is st