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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


This story is a sequel to A Sleeping Rose

Lily's conspiracy newspaper said that there was a monster near Ponyville, and while it was mostly wild speculation, town gossip said that Ginger Gold suddenly had somebody—something—unexpected working in her woodlot.

Lily had her thoughts about that, and so did I. Assuming it actually existed, would Ginger Gold hire it if it was really a monster? I didn’t think so, but the only way to find out was to see for myself.

Pre-read by TheLegendaryBillCipher, The Red Parade and Topaz Moon

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 509 )

Sam has been in Equestria so long she forgot about the possibility of another human hasn’t she. I wonder how this meeting will go? Also put me down for the unknown human being a male.

200th story is off to a great start!

AtIn that moment, my mind was made up.

Hmm, you'll have to pick one.


Oh man, I forgot about this, this’ll be good. Good running to, I really needed this, I just had a part fail on my aquarium … along with the replacement part. But that’s a problem for tomorrow.

And we're off to the races.

¡Happy 200th Story!

"I couldn’t remember ever seeing him—or any donkey—riding a train before. I wasn’t sure that was allowed, although if they’d sold him a ticket it must be."

All sapients are equal, but some sapients are more equal than others.

Ooh, this is a good start. I'm excited. :pinkiehappy:

:twilightsmile: Also, this reminds me of when I started following you.
I saw ADiS's Business Trip in the feature box, read it, loved it, noticed the link to the not-a-contest in the description, and decided I needed more PoE fics, so I took a look at your stuff.
One thing lead to another, and I stayed up until like 4am reading about Sam and Rose. Totally worth it.

I was thinking the same thing.

No trains were wrecked.

The conspiracy ponies were, in fact, massively disappointed by this :moustache:

It was probably a diamond dog or a juvenile minotaur who had been misidentified

I honestly don't think anyone would even make a big deal about a human; it's just a less-threatening, hornless version of a minotaur. It doesn't even have hooves to kick with! :rainbowwild:

If he really had the creature working with him, why wouldn’t he bring it into town to help him unload his wagon?

...really, Rose? Maybe to avoid panic? :rainbowlaugh:

I couldn’t remember ever seeing him—or any donkey—riding a train before. I wasn’t sure that was allowed, although if they’d sold him a ticket it must be.

Woah, hol' up. Casual racism there! :pinkiegasp:

Oooh, this is unfinished? Nice! We're getting Sam's full story, then, finally! :yay:

Remarks and corrections:
> there could be no doubt: the creature was real and that it was there splitting wood.
Feels like the "that" shouldn't be there. This sentence should probably be
"there could be no doubt: the creature was real, and it was there, splitting wood."

That’s probably not another human. That’s probably Sam and this story is, most likely, a prequel to the series - I vaguely recall Sam mentioning working for a donkey on wood-related stuff when she first got into Ponyville.
I should probably reread these stories, though - they were rather nice, from what I recall.

Happy 200th Story Admiral!:pinkiehappy:

Congratulations, Biscuit! I’ve enjoyed your stories and look forward to reading many more. You really write ponies well and your stories always feel real to me.

Thank you for sharing all your blogs and stories with us!:twilightsmile:

Dangerous creatures always chop wood or take trains or help with wagons.

Ah, a return to this saga. Looking forward to seeing things from Rose’s perspective.


If you want to take the specism to the nth degree, you should read "The Man with 2 Names" by Tarot Card:

TThe Man With Two Names
A human is off to a rough start when Fluttershy finds him eating one of her chickens, and breaks his arm. Can Derpy and the human convince Ponyville to give him a second chance?
Tarot Card · 89k words  ·  1,918  139 · 27k views

A strange ape shows up in Ponyville. The ponies treat him like horseapples. Spike expresses the opinion that this is wrong. Twilight says "¡shut up, dragon!". Spike realizes that ponies rule, other equines are tolerated, and nonequines, such as sheep and cattle, are treated like slaves (technically, all sapients are equal, but that does not stop the ponies from treating other sapients like garbage).

It is a sad story because Spike learns the truth about pony-society. It has a sequel.

oh hey, the sequel came back to life? I'd dropped it as a dead fic/author... who hasn't been on for the better part of 6 months again. I was reading the original fic back when it was releasing. hard to believe it was back in 2012.


The author still has writers' block, but we can always hope.

lol, just went on this weird rollercoaster of emotions. At first, after seeing the story image used, I thought it was this other story that hasn't updated in a bit by Lucky Seven and was excited. Then I realized it wasn't and was mildly disappointed but still curious. And then I noticed that this was a sequel to a couple of stories I had loved reading and never expected another sequel to, so now I'm excited again and looking forward to reading this.

i dont think sneaked is a word, snuck does though

I don’t know why but with the slow approach at the beginning I was reminded of the introduction of Doomsday in the death of Superman.

A new Sam and Rose story? WOOO

a interesting start to a story. i am liking this.

Random Ponyville Citizen: "Oh, look. We have a breeding pair of them now."
Second Ponyville Citizen: "Shh. It's a little early for that. Give them a week or two and we'll have Princess Cadence visit."

According to others, this is most likely a prequel depicting Sam and Rose's first meeting and the events leading up to it.

I hate to disappoint and I don’t want to be too spoiler-y for incoming readers, but this is Rose’s perspective of A Sleeping Rose (as well as the events leading up to it and some of the events after it). After all, if they knew Sam already, they’d figure out what a similar-looking but hairier creature was.


200th story is off to a great start!

Thank you! :heart:

Hmm, you'll have to pick one.

But what if I want both?

...correction made, thank you!


Oh man, I forgot about this, this’ll be good.

I hope so!

I just had a part fail on my aquarium … along with the replacement part. But that’s a problem for tomorrow.

Good luck with that! Hopefully it’s not a too-important part.


All sapients are equal, but some sapients are more equal than others.

Exactly--it’s the pony way.


Ooh, this is a good start. I'm excited. :pinkiehappy:


I saw ADiS's Business Trip in the feature box, read it, loved it, noticed the link to the not-a-contest in the description, and decided I needed more PoE fics, so I took a look at your stuff.

People always need more PoE fics. They don’t always know it, but they always need them, and that’s the point of the not-a-contest.

One thing lead to another, and I stayed up until like 4am reading about Sam and Rose. Totally worth it.

Yay! A bit of a departure from the PoE you started with, but not that much of a departure, really.


I was thinking the same thing.

Especially in the early seasons, ponies were really speciest. They seem to have gotten better about it after Twilight showed up, but there’s still a lot they could--and should--do.


The conspiracy ponies were, in fact, massively disappointed by this :moustache:

Of course they were, but they just spun a new conspiracy about why it didn’t wreck trains.

I honestly don't think anyone would even make a big deal about a human; it's just a less-threatening, hornless version of a minotaur. It doesn't even have hooves to kick with! :rainbowwild:

It’s hard to say--the general consensus in Ponyville seems to be if they don’t know what it is and if it lives in or near the Everfree, it’s a monster until proven otherwise. They generally do become accepting (slowly) once creatures prove themselves to the ponies, though.

...really, Rose? Maybe to avoid panic? :rainbowlaugh:

When you’re jumping at shadows, you find out really quick that there are lots of shadows.

Woah, hol' up. Casual racism there! :pinkiegasp:

Only a little bit. (Okay, a lot)

Oooh, this is unfinished? Nice! We're getting Sam's full story, then, finally! :yay:

Well, maybe not the full story, but more of it. :heart:

Feels like the "that" shouldn't be there. This sentence should probably be
"there could be no doubt: the creature was real, and it was there, splitting wood."

Correction made, thank you!


That’s probably not another human. That’s probably Sam and this story is, most likely, a prequel to the series - I vaguely recall Sam mentioning working for a donkey on wood-related stuff when she first got into Ponyville.

You are correct. It’s currently tagged as a sequel, although at this point, it’s actually a prequel to A Sleeping Rose (I may flip the sequel tags when I publish the next chapter, but I wanted to make sure that anyone who was reading that series would know that this had uploaded).

I should probably reread these stories, though - they were rather nice, from what I recall.

You are correct, you should and they are. :heart:


Congratulations, Biscuit! I’ve enjoyed your stories and look forward to reading many more. You really write ponies well and your stories always feel real to me.

Thanks! :heart:

Thank you for sharing all your blogs and stories with us!

You’re welcome! It’s been a fun ride, and we’re gonna keep it going for a while!


Dangerous creatures always chop wood or take trains or help with wagons.

I know, right? That’s how you know they’re dangerous. :derpytongue2:


Ah, a return to this saga. Looking forward to seeing things from Rose’s perspective.

Unsurprisingly, it’s a rather different perspective than Sam has on the whole thing.

Heh, that is a rollercoaster! Sorry that it isn’t the story you were hoping for (and I know that feel) but hopefully it’s enjoyable just the same :heart:

Sneaked is, in American English at least, the grammatically-correct past tense and past participle of snuck, although snuck is in far more common usage. I know this because when I was in high school, my English teacher laid into the valedictorian for getting it wrong and that’s a lesson that stuck with me.

I’ll take your word for it; I don’t know who Doomsday is (although I’m guessing by the name he’s the bad guy).

Yay! :heart: It’s finally time to see things from Rose’s perspective!

Sorry to disappoint, but 11039141 has hit the nail on the head; the creature is Sam (although of course the ponies don’t know that yet).

EDIT: although I wonder now if anybody has done a story from that angle, where the ponies are trying to keep a rare type of creature from extinction?

Be sort of like trying to get more pandas. . . .

11039425 I can see that.
First Pony: "They're just sitting there, looking at each other."
Second Pony: "Well, they are looking at those weird bodies of theirs, so that's a start. I wonder when they're going to start mating."
Bob: "Should we tell them?"
Fred: "Yes, I think so."

great so far thank you

He was a character introduced explicitly for the death of Superman story from way back. A good half of the trade paper back is this slow inexorable walk to metropolis fighting off a large number of DC Heroes until he and supes clash.

Ah, those humans, always covering up the easily identifiable gender-specific anatomy.

That kid was probably scarred by that, hah


The replacement fixed itself in a few hours and the primary started working again the next day. Not quite sure what happened. Still had a bad week though.

It's a Jabberwock.

“Time to import some more humans.”

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