• Member Since 5th Aug, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Fable Caster

World is cold, hard and miserable. Pony is soft, warm and adorable. (He/Him)

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  • 154 weeks
    Well that was fast...

    I just realized I had my FiMFic cakeday a few days ago. It's been a full year of brony-ness and awesome horsewords for me now! So uhh... Yay :yay:

    Okay, okay... Move along y'all, nothing further to see here. I just felt like I should make some kind of note about this "glorious and magnificent" milestone.

    0 comments · 140 views
  • 172 weeks
    Story notes for "Netflix and Chill? No, not like THAT!" and other random updates.

    Should probably have done this ages ago, but, uhh... I was busy. Yeah, that's the excuse I'm going to go with. <.<

    I was honestly surprised by the sheer amount of positive feedback my little tale about a man living as the housemate of two ponies got. It also genuinely makes me smile that several people could feel a connection to Andy's struggles, at least when it comes to the frustration of trying to find a steady job.

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  • 177 weeks
    Finally, an avatar of my very own

    At long last I've got an avatar I can call my own, even though that shadowy, grinning princess of the Moon was doing its job quite well up until now.

    And hey, with it... An actual ref for my ponysona! Ladies and gentlecolts, meet Fable Caster.

    Done by Zerwolf over on FurAffinity.

    2 comments · 182 views
  • 202 weeks
    Pre-/Proofreaders and where to find them?

    As the title says, I find myself in need of a proofreader since my go-to one unfortunately is too busy and had to bow out. So uhh... Anyone got any ideas where I could go to look for one? Or at least point me generally in the right direction? Please and thank you?

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    3 comments · 178 views
  • 206 weeks
    COVID-19 made a brony out of me!

    Clickbait machine goes "brrrrr" or however that meme goes.

    All joking aside it's actually sorta, kinda true. I'm writing this all down more for myself to save for posterity than anything else, but if, for whatever reason, you're curious how someone ended up becoming a brony in 2020, then strap yourself in and prepare for a ride most underwhelming!

    Still here? Okay then, heeeeere goes!

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    2 comments · 219 views

Well that was fast... · 9:14am Aug 8th, 2021

I just realized I had my FiMFic cakeday a few days ago. It's been a full year of brony-ness and awesome horsewords for me now! So uhh... Yay :yay:

Okay, okay... Move along y'all, nothing further to see here. I just felt like I should make some kind of note about this "glorious and magnificent" milestone.

Report Fable Caster · 140 views ·
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