Age: 23
Religion: Christian (Roman Catholic)
Things I like to do: Reading, Internet Browsing, Drawing, Singing, Watching TV, Cooking, Creating Art using PicsArt, Eating (P.S. I'm a picky eater), Creating Collages using PicCollage, Video Editing, & Writing
Things I hate: Teen Titans Go! (like seriously, fuck that show!) Star Wars Sequel Trilogy (fuck Kathleen and Rian for ruining the franchise), MLP G5 (no offense but it's not my thing), Negan and his Saviors, Jadis and her Scavengers, Albus Dumbledore (he's a bit of an asshole), Racist people who treat Filipinos like trash, Jewish things (no offense),& CN Reboots
Favorite Foods: Filipino Foods, American Foods,& Japanese Foods
Favorite Music: Random taste of my choice
Favorite Things: The Walking Dead, My Little Pony G4, Beyblade Burst, Transformers (G1, Bayverse, Beast Wars, Prime, Animated, Rebootverse, One,& UT-Cybertron), GTA, Zoo Tycoon, Minecraft, Drake & Josh, Out of Jimmy's Head, Disney and Pixar, View Askewniverse, Advance Wars, Heavy Weapon Deluxe, South Park, SpongeBob SquarePants, Oggy and the Cockroaches, Bakugan (Battle Brawlers, New Vestroia,& Gundalian Invaders), Star Wars, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, Military, Nature, Historical Battles, Faber-Castell, Blue's Clues, The Backyardigans, Animaniacs, Beavis and Butthead, Desierto, Top Gun, Supernanny, Voltes V Legacy, Daimos, Woody Woodpecker, Jackass, CKY, Viva La Bam, Rio, Mortal Kombat, Rampage (2018), Kingsman, The Sitter (2011), Indio, Bonifacio: Ang Unang Pangulo, PewDiePie, Jelly (YT Channel), Epic Rap Battles of History, Vacation (2015), MLG Memes, Rampage, Cornetto Trilogy,& Food Challenges and Commercials
Stay tuned for more stories, Followers of me.
Um... hello. I was wondering if you could meet up with me in the DMs. There's something I'd like to ask you.
You're all welcome, everyone in here!
thanks for the fave!