• Member Since 1st Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Daemon Wolf 22

People are people. It's as simple as that.


Yet another blog post. · 12:09am Sep 26th, 2015


Yeah, you've no doubt noticed the lack of stories despite my promises. *sigh* I'm sorry, I kinda got distracted with other things. With school in the way, it's hard to write, on top of a severe case of Writer's Block. There's a bright side to this, however: With things unwritten, changing them is a breeze. Here's a full list of new plans, updated and fresh from my mind:


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Report Daemon Wolf 22 · 357 views ·
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*happy Umbreon noises*

*silly umbreon noises*

Always happy to meet more of my fellow moon-fox lovers! :yay:

EEEE! Fellow Umbreon!

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Yet another blog post. · 12:09am Sep 26th, 2015


Yeah, you've no doubt noticed the lack of stories despite my promises. *sigh* I'm sorry, I kinda got distracted with other things. With school in the way, it's hard to write, on top of a severe case of Writer's Block. There's a bright side to this, however: With things unwritten, changing them is a breeze. Here's a full list of new plans, updated and fresh from my mind:


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Report Daemon Wolf 22 · 357 views ·