The Lunar RebellionOne hundred years after Luna’s banishment, unrest among the three pony tribes threatens to plunge Equestria into civil Chengar Qordath
540,056 words
· 1,053 · 48
Without a HiveA young changeling is separated from his hive, and must blend in and survive among the ponies of Phoenix_Dragon
180,648 words
· 2,125 · 32
Twilight makes first contactPrincess Twilight Sparkle writes pony history by opening a portal to another world and making first contact with extra-Equestrian intelligence. Only snag: the portal opens at a pony ranch on Immanuel
54,179 words
· 1,562 · 45
No problem! Thanks for reading my story Wonderbolt my Heart and saying it was a decent fic! That's more than I get from yourbronygod. He said it was trash basically. Eh, what can you do? You can't please them all right?
Woah! Thanks for the follow jxj!! It means so much to have you like me enough to do that, and I hope you enjoy my future stuff!
Thanks for the follow!
Thanks for the watch, jxj. Hope you like my future stuff, even if it doesn't include queer ponies.
No problem! Thanks for reading my story Wonderbolt my Heart and saying it was a decent fic! That's more than I get from yourbronygod. He said it was trash basically. Eh, what can you do? You can't please them all right?
You jus' binge-read my story...