• Member Since 19th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 31st, 2021

Shining Dawn

I was going to write a joke, but I've written enough stupid comments that I'm already a joke anyway. They/them pronouns, please.


It's fascinating, isn't it? · 2:31am Aug 28th, 2019

Time, that is. And the human mind. And how, sometimes, you can forget about something completely, until something else jogs you're memory. How you can go years never even thinking about something, then come back to it as if you never left?

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Comments ( 39 )
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2236682 I plan on reading it soon. Thanks.

Hey, thanks for adding With Tears in Her Eyes to your shelf! Glad it seems to have caught your interest, hope you enjoy it when you read it (if you haven't yet). :twilightsmile:

Glad to see Synthetic Bottled Sunlight caught your interest. Hope you continue to enjoy.

Also thanks for adding Apathy to your Currently Reading shelf. :twilightsmile:

2136808 You're very welcome. I'd certainly want to remember a Story as amazing as yours, and I can't wait to read more.


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