• Member Since 7th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 24th, 2020



Apologies Pt 2 · 6:52pm Mar 18th, 2017

I miss writing and editing for this community. Been over 2 years since I have. I stopped writing after I figured out the ending of Paradiso. Which wasn't really an issue (I had a bad habit of looking at the end of the book before starting to read it as a kid :pinkiesmile: ).

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Was just making sure. I'll check it out soonish (I just picked up a book I have been waiting over two years to read and I have read most of the other ones in the series (of which there are currently twenty-four) in one sitting). And it's cool. I know how that goes.

It's the one already up. I had a story ticking around in my head and it wouldn't go away until I wrote it down.
And uhhh...apologies but I don't remember which story it was on now. I read far too much on here sometimes. ^^

I have actually edited a handful of clop. I'll gladly look over your story, though. Is it the one you already have posted, or something else? Just PM me the link and I will get on it when I am open.

Also, might I ask what comment you read that was so helpful?

Well I'm not a lady so sadly you wouldn't get 'that' kind of satisfaction from helping me out.
I am a fella though, and I read one of your comments recently that contained some excellent advice. The right amount of OCD-level of grammar edits, and probably one of the major ways my budding fic can be improved.

Don't panic, it's not grimdark OR clop, but almost a completely original story.

I'm always glad to give something a once-over or two for a fella or lady (especially since I can't play video games right now or throw darts or work). I'll edit anything but grimdark.

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