• Member Since 7th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 24th, 2020



Octavia was always one for competition. Unless, that is, the competition is forced upon her by the mare of her nightmares. And it's not that she's ever had a problem with Canterlot nightlife; she just has a problem with ponies named Vinyl Scratch. Not that anypony knows why, though, and Octavia isn't about to share embarrassing secrets.

Story concept and first chapter by Lynked
And thanks to Noc for the editing.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 185 )

Insta-fave, read later. Though, if it's a different pairing other than OctaScratch, you'll suffer, you wonderful Yankee. :raritywink:


I would suffer if I wrote a pairing that broke the OTP. Not just you either. (I do have certain times I will deviate from it though (Very specific))

WOW! Nice feature dude. Congrats :scootangel: !

2151893 You don't like Rariscratch!? :fluttershbad: WHYYYYYYY!?


Thanks.:twilightsmile: Glad you enjoyed it.

oh nose!!!! :twilightoops:

Ah, so she got the wrong number? That's funny. And relieving, too. I mean, there's still a lot of interesting and fun (though not for our grey mare) conflict to be had with Octavia's career going to hell and her past friction with Vinyl. I can't wait to see what you do with that. I like how Octavia keeps pushing Vinyl away--it doesn't look like she understands what happened to Octavia now that she lost ( I'm not saying that Vinyl should have let her win, but she should know what actually happened). I'd like to see how she'd react when she sees that Octavia's life really has been all but ruined. Revelations like that are intense to read.

I wonder what Fleur is going to do? I mean, she seemed nice enough, but considering the social stigma of losing to a DJ, then there's got to be just as much if not more for being friends with said DJ. I do sort of hope that things get worse for Octavia, though--if only because when things get bad, something good and a friend's helping hoof is around the corner. I'm a sap for that kind of thing.

Is this story going to be solely from Octavia's POV?

This looks fantastically interesting. I wonder who arranged their confrontation? I'm favoriting this.


Thanks. I'm glad you have enjoyed it so far. And yes, it will be all from Octavia's POV. Hope I am able to keep your interest.:twilightsmile:

Im liking this, and i do think i will follow it. Have a fav.


Yay. Thank you.:yay:

Rough first chapter, second one got my attention. We'll see.


First chapter wasn't written by me, I just did a quick edit as I read it. Thanks though. What did you find rough about the first chapter though, if I may ask?

2154349 Just kinda awkward, really. Not much setup, initial scene is little more than talking heads that don't really go anywhere. The reason for the competition and why its stakes matter at all is also... vague at best. Not to mention the difficulty I'm having coming up with how a DJ and classical Cellist can possibly compete in any meaningful fashion. It's like pitting pie against sushi. They're both food but they're not really very comparable.

I actually didn't notice the note that someone else wrote the first chapter. That makes a lot more sense. I was wondering why the writing shifted so hard.


Yeah, some of that confused me as I read it as well and I asked Lynked about some of it. I thought about going in and touching it up a bit, but decided against it. I have found ways to explain it all later in though. I think that is what she probably intended when she started it. Thanks for pointing all that out for me.

2154408 S'fair. Just sayin', though, the awkward start might be off putting. Some kind of lead-in to the scene with Octavia and Beauty Brass might be helpful. But whatevs, I'm already following it so we'll see how it goes :D

Don't mind me, just over here clicking them "like" and "favorite" buttons :twilightsmile:


Okay. Have fun with that.:pinkiesmile:

"I blame the JFF's for me not working"

Now, now. You could have quit Skype.

But you guys are so fun and entertaining. It is hard to leave the chat, or just not get on.

That's it. You're officially a JFF junkie.

so either octy drunk dialed fleur by mistake instead of vinyl or that is a video of the DJ listening to her messege on speaker phone going viral

... I like that second idea. The first is correct though.

So is Octavia's career not at risk to be ruined? That's good for her, but I sort of wish it had been. Stories thrive on tension, and building up a romance between the two despite having such a renewed conflict between them would have been amazing to see. But there's still the social stigma of losing to a DJ, even if she was still a good player. I hope that's still there, or her explosion last chapter becomes a little... well, petty, rather than something from a pony who's going to lose everything.

Still, she was manipulated by her friend, which is certainly terrible. And it seems like there are more misunderstandings flourishing on both sides! I love those. Keeps things exciting, and seeing them eventually sorted out after all the awkwardness is sweet (or even more embarrassing, depending on how you like to work it).

A good chapter, particularly when we got to look into Vinyl's head. Thank you!

Fleur de lys and Lyra should really take discretion lessons :ajbemused:

Anyway, a great chapter, I can't wait to see how Tavi and Vinyl will work things out.:pinkiehappy:

I think we can all agree that I'm the reason Syvvak gets no work done.

...'Tis true.:ajsleepy:

Like you said, there is the stigma of her losing to a DJ, so there is a possibility that she could have her career ruined. If I wrote it to seem as though it wasn't a problem... oops. I just really haven't been focusing on it. While it is a big thing for Octavia, it is obviously not the biggest to her. Sorry if it seemed as though it were insignificant.

The whole 'manipulated' thing will be explained in the next chapper. Or possibly the one after. Depends on how I play it. This chapter turned out a bit different. Originally planned on Tavi telling Fleur her story, but this seemed to flow out better.

Glad you enjoyed it. Wasn't planning on doing the Vinyl part, but I couldn't get it out of my head. And I felt it was a decent way to get that bit of info out. Took me forever to write for some reason though.

Glad you are enjoying it.:twilightsmile: And how do you know they will??:trixieshiftright:


And how do you know they will??

I'm a rather optimistic kind of guy :twilightsmile:
Beside Vinyl and Octavia MUST work things out otherwise it's sad.
and if it's sad, it makes Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie cry ::fluttercry::pinkiesad2:
and THAT is not good. :eeyup:
edit: why did I write tavi and octavia in the first place ??O_o

...That strange feeling when you find out your editor writes better than you do.

This is seriously amazing. I have no words to describe how good your writing is. I positively love all the little things, like drunken Octavia's accent (Rum? Pirates? I C WUT U DID THAR) and Fleur being Tavi's agent, and all the suspense and stuff. Congrats, your story is now in my top 5. :heart:


Well then, you may not like the ending than (and don't bitch if that is the wrong one Josh. Those have always confused me at some points.). Vinyl gets AIDS and dies before being able to tell Octavia how she felt... wait. That is what 2206381 did. Only Lynked and I know anything about the ending and, as River Song would say, "Spoilers".

I'll just wait and see what happens
in the worst case scenario, I can repay you by ruining every tavi/vinyl moments to come in my Fic.:pinkiecrazy:.
I just realized how stupid my threat was so no matter what happens I'll just read what you'll offer.:twilightsheepish:
See ya (next chapter coming soon from my part by the way)

Such praize coming from one of my favorite fic writers. I am broken. Thanks. Acutally, the Fleur thing was Lynked, not me. And I used Capt. because, when I drank, it was my favorite. And he is a privateer which were often mistaken for pirates.

Glad you have liked it.

You wouldn't dare.:ajbemused:

Push me.

I reckon I wouldn't :ajsleepy:
I'll probably blame/hate myself too much if I did

Yep, liked it a lot, actually. It's in my top 5 afteer all. ^_^
Yeah, and don't get used to the praise. :trollestia:
Also, it's 'then', not 'than', Kody :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

Same... wait. I done wrote a sadfic. *sigh*

Well, thanks. And it is hard to make some edits from my phone and I get confused with them sometimes.

Sorry, I was just poking fun at you :fluttercry:

'Tis cool. I still love you.:heart:

2205798 I look forwards to seeing what you'll do next, then. :twilightsmile:

Although I still would have even if her career had been safe. I don't let go of stories once they catch my intention, and you've painted an amazing picture here.

Glad you enjoy it. I will try to remember to mention it in the coming chapter it will be easy to incorporate into a conversation I have planned.

What? That wasn't an ending! You left at least two threads hanging!


How you mean? This was just the end of a chapter. I would hope I still had some thread hanging.

And it was posted, with great joy of the crowds.

Great chapter. This is just wonderful. God, how much I love this story! :heart:

HURRAY! New chapter! and it ends with a hug, that's so awesome :rainbowkiss:

Can't wait for the next chapter.:pinkiehappy:

YAY! Thanks. I wasn't happy with it as I was writing it, but am mostly satisfied now. Hope the next one doesn't take me as long.

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