• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen July 17th


Author of Philharmonic Staccato, dabbler in doodles, and all-around procrastinator. VinylBon is my OTP.


VinylBon is my OTP.

I do love a good LyraBon and OctaScratch story though.... It's impossible to find VinylBon ones.

I'm currently an Inventory Manager and Cashier at Wal*Mart, which means it's hard for me to update every two weeks like I wish I could.

Skype: Walk.Always

I'm a very approachable person don't be afraid to say hi!

Latest Crap

The List of OCs and their appearances:



and her cutie mark:


(Rant) The people I work with disgust me · 6:51am Feb 12th, 2016

I am so sick of the people I work with and their treatment of co-workers. I was getting some dinner around 6 o'clock and had wandered up to the front a bit later than I wanted so I was already in an agitated state. But then the cashier starts yelling at the door greeter (A wonderful chap from Turkey named Honour). He had been helping someone with a return on ink and someone went out the door without paying for something and he couldn't stop them.

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Report Stally · 446 views ·
Comments ( 93 )
  • Viewing 89 - 93 of 93

awesome has always stally

Thanks for the favorite! I really appreciate it.

^^princes boxy^^
up there somewhere

Thank ya kindly for tracking Changes! If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to rate and comment.

Thank ya kindly for tracking The Incredibly Torn Mind of a Winning Daughter! If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to rate and comment.

  • Viewing 89 - 93 of 93
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