• Member Since 12th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 19th, 2013



Goodness.... · 3:47am Dec 19th, 2013

I seem to made a liar of myself and I have not been online as often as I said I would but in truth we are still unpacking from our move.
House repairs, and not having the time to devote to a good story or any of my friends here, the minute I settle in to read I get interupted
If any one is mad at me for this it is well called for in some part but please bare with me, and the fact that x-mas is drawing close does not help matters

Report TheAzureAzoth · 453 views ·
Comments ( 59 )
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Another dead user. R.I.P.

Hey! Thanks for the fave on 'Many Kinds of Love'. A fun look into the loyalty of Clover the Clever, and the only way I am ever going to write something that even looks like a RariLight story :twilightsheepish:


813354 which blog, I'll take a look.:twilightsmile:

I know you do not want to hear this from me but, I think that you would be able to give the idea the scale it would need.
It is story idea 8 in my blog, it is the base of a story but it has none of the refinement, or real plot, never was able to focus enough to work the plot out in my mind, I only ask that you give it a glance and see if you might wanna work with it

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