• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


2% of FimFiction read, only 98% to go! I've been gone for a long time, but still show up every now and then.

Road Trips with Cherry Jubilee

Cherry Jubilee is a traveling pony. She posts pictures of her adventures on Twitter, Cherry Goes Places. Follow her on Twitter to see where she’s going next!

I drew that mask during a convention, at 1 AM, while I was too drunk to stand, on the toilet in my hotel room. I'm disappointed that it came out so well.

Shipping is Magic.

About the chart:
This chart represents all of the ships found in the first 1000 stories that I read on this site. The number of times I encountered any specific ship is related to the color of the line connecting the two ponies.

It's been quite awhile since I last updated my shipping infographic, back in December 2014. Back then I had "only" read 20 million words of pony fiction. Now I've read more than 30 million. Unfortunately, because the hard drive with my super-awesome Pony Fanfic and Shipping Spreadsheet died back in March 2016, I'd have to rebuild all the data from scratch.

That's probably a road I shouldn't go down. I've read nearly 1200 stories on this site, and I don't really want to consider the amount of time that it would take to recompile a complete database for that many stories. And the worst part is that my spreadsheet included stories that are no longer on this site, like Finding Sweetie, one of my favorite stories, which I might not even have a copy of anymore.

Comments ( 98 )
  • Viewing 94 - 98 of 98

I think we talked. Do you do a Changeling cosplay? Also I think we might be friends on Facebook? I don’t remember.

Thank you very much for all the faves and the watch!

Oh snap, I'm famous! Come say hi next time :)

  • Viewing 94 - 98 of 98
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