• Member Since 26th Mar, 2013
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Thoughts on Alternate Universes · 5:34pm May 27th, 2013

Type 1 AU is the same universe as our own (i.e. here in the real world), which means that the characters of the universe could potentially be able to discover that they are, in fact, fictional (at least, in the point of view of those who "created" them).
Type 2 is merely the same, but with references filtered out, and sociology adjusted to account for that (typically this is done by referencing from a time before the characters were created in reality).

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I just mean that I don’t want so many of them. You posted way too many for me to read.

It makes more sense to post where it actually relates. Besides, we do not complain and are disappointed that's what you believed our comments were.

Thanks for reading my story, but please post any complaints on my user page. I don't want dozens of comments cluttering my story

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