Humans were always a gamble: a 50/50 split. Brad's horse, however? They were always there 100% of the time. But she proves even she has surprises when she opens doors to another world entirely. This is a tale of their exploration.
Done for a patron, starting at 1/month rate. Let's begin this journey!
The first thing I thought while seeing this image was what the fuck, and then again when I saw it was you who wrote it silver, should be something good though, weird but good.
Is the picture that odd?
When in Mlp any horse picture is odd.
I'm all confused, but in a good way. Looking forward for more!
Omg nice rainbow road. G1 flashbacks anyone?
Shoot, I was aiming for a Mario reference (joking!).
Now see, my first thought was Bifrost.
My first thought from just the title was that both Bella and Brad were going to die and cross the Rainbow Bridge.
I'm glad that the story doesn't have such a dark start.
Unicorns walking on rainbows is an old fantasy standard. It got repurposed for this story.
That was a good first chapter goodluck with the rest of it.
I wonder if this rainbow bridge will be a two-way thing. He promised to feed a horse the next day and a friend to meet up with. Seems his own horse has magically become
sentientsapient too.Heh~ pet those ponies, they deserve it.
If it hadn't been for the upvotes, I probably would have skipped over this, given the plot summary was about a normal human getting transported to Equestria, and most stories in that genre are a bit lacking. However, when I saw the number of upvotes this had, I checked it out, and it's actually a fun read without any of the stuff that gives the genre a bad name. I'm interested in reading more, and am officially tracking this story to see how it goes.
Yippie. Brad petting ponies is nice.
Pony heads are for gentle petting(with proper permission).
What particular traits are you specifically avoiding?
Super-basic stuff such as self insert wish fulfillment devoid of any sort of genuine plot, or a super-horrific grasp of the personalities of the canon characters, or other stuff that any half-decent author would avoid. There was a reason I used 'normal' as a word for emphasis, as there are an unfortunate number of hie stories which include those things- but if an abnormal human is chosen, the chance decreases. For example, if the human is from a historical point in the past, then those sorts of extremely basic issues are less likely to happen.
While this story could potentially be wish fulfillment with its setup, it looks like it potentially has some sort of plot planned, which I'm interested to see if it pans out. What really caused me to relax, though, was the way the Apple family all acted reasonably in-character.
So... yeah. Like I said, super-basic stuff.
My mistake (that I saw) was not having Big Mac occupying screen time. He can show up next time though. Big guy deserves some time.
Cool, a new story from the author of "Fading Suns"! Love it so far. Liked, Faved, and Tracked. (I wish I could remember how I found it, but I accidentally closed the tab, and DDG doesn't have a history folder.)
I like HiE stories that are well-written, but I especially like Earth Horses in Eq. The only other one I've found is "A Clever Pony." I hope this story doesn't
make me crycause my allergies to act up like that one.I'm very much looking forward to the journey.
I'm a little surprised that AB didn't notice that Bella was a blank-flank.
Oh, goodness. I didn't realize that story was enough to be 'author of that popular book!' level. Still, welcome! Walk with us along this new, rainbow-colored, path. DDG?
Oh- I wasn't saying you made any mistakes, and was instead talking about OTHER authors' works in comparison. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
If you like Earth ponies in Equestria, and have only found a single other one that was a single-chapter fic, then I have something you'll hopefully like. Way back when the fandom was newer and I was reading stories on, I encountered a multi-chapter story there titled 'A Horse Named Smith', focused on the premise that Granny Smith's father was exactly such a horse, and focusing on him adjusting to Equestria.
Here's the link- I double-checked, and it's eleven chapters plus an epilogue, and while it has been years since I read it, I do remember enjoying it, so hopefully it's good.
No no, you didn't bother me, promise. I like to muse over my work, that's all. Just me being self-examining, not any bad moves on your part. Thanks for reading, and commenting. I love comments.
I don't know how popular it still is, but I truly enjoyed it. I've been meaning to read more of your stories, but Reasons. DDG is DuckDuckGo browser.
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
i can see the Oh so cool RD melting in too a puddle from a good scratching.
Have you remembered me yet? I read "FS" last month, left a few comments, pointed out a few typos, asked you how the Translator worked, etc.
Sorry to say that I can still only afford to "support" you by adding to your comment count.
Should be "movements."
The comments still count.
Thank you. Half the reason I signed up for an account was to post comments.
I couldn't find enough stories about Earth horses and the people who love them in Equestria so I sponsored David Silver to write this one. I liked the first one so much I have upgraded to 2/month. If any pony wants to see more, you are welcome to join.
Science pony research!
If anypony can figure out how the rainbow road thingy works, it's Twilight.
That new hand seems to be a shady character, doesn't know "which way of a horse was forward"? He shouldn't smoke in the barn, that is strictly forbidden.
Okay- Bella is officially WAY smarter than a typical horse, to the point it's obvious she counts as sapient- and Brad seems completely used to this level of intelligence from her. I am seriously looking forward to the characters realizing something is off about this and starting to question/discover the story behind it.
Bella has the magic of Equestria to be a very smart horsie, that still loves a good apple and some ear scritches.
Bell is hungry for some fast food, they want a Big Mac.
Romance the pony... With the horse?
A pretty mare, a handsome stallion, it's natural chemistry!
Twilight does a little research; will she find a solution?
Why did Apple Bloom run off? Something Bella said?
Bella needs a ladder so her mind can crawl out of the gutter...
hope Brad has a foaling stall it sounds like he is going to need it in about 11 months.
Yay G1 references
That was unexpectedly funny. I have a feeling that if Bella's dialogue was translated, the story may lose its "E" rating.
Ear scritches will get you locked up in somepony's pleasure dungeon.
Ah yes the natural human obligation to pet dah pony
Huzzah! Ear scritches for everypony! (That's often my favorite part of HiE stories.)
I think she's enjoying it just the right amount.
When Pinkie says "I love welcoming ponies to new towns," that implies that the towns are new. Imho, it should probably be "I love welcoming new ponies to town." (Or, you could add "I also love welcoming new ponies to this town!")
Ear scritches are just the start, as one scritch leads to another.
I wonder just how old Bella actually is, and if she is just an Earth Pony?
Bella is a grown earth horse.
I wonder what would happen if RC followed Brad and Bella back across a rainbow bridge to their home?
Would that be wise to allow?
Wise? Maybe not. Interesting to observe? Definitely.
RC is a force of nature; Wisdom is not likely to be one of her highest ability scores.