• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Aug 19th, 2018

Crimson Inferno

A pegasister. "Many fluffy SunLight, RariJack, FlutterDash, LemonZap, PinkieSweet, SugarFlare shipping fics will be made... Second account: CrimsonInfenro670 (my back up)"

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Story Requests · 6:04am Oct 5th, 2016

I'm here to tell you all that I will be taking story requests. It'll be open until Nightmare Night. For now, I'll bid you good bye. And for the love of SunLight, I'll be really happy to take Sunset X Sci Twi or Sunset X Princess Twi stories! See ya!

Just a reminder... Anyone want a story with me and Flutter-

Get out Rainbow!

Fine. Flutters and Dashie or AJ and RD!

Get out! So, yeah... story requests.

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Comments ( 34 )
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No prob. :ajsmug::heart::duck: <~~~ Me love the ship ^^

Thank you for the favourite and the watch! :heart:

2336359 I'd read all of your SunLight books if I have to drown myself with OTP cuteness.

Hey again! Thank you for adding Times We Cherish 2 to your favorites! So awesome and I appreciate it! :rainbowkiss:

Hey there! Thank you for adding Times We Cherish to your favorites! You're awesome! AND Thank you for the watch as well! :rainbowkiss:

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