• Published 27th May 2024
  • 491 Views, 61 Comments

It Was Just Supposed To Be Lunch - FanOfMostEverything

Eating off-campus has numerous unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 1 — FanOfMostEverything

It began exactly as Sunset had envisioned it. Once all of her friends had gathered outside of Canterlot High one sunny spring morning, she pointed to the horizon and boldly exclaimed, “Girls, we’re going on an adventure!”

Everything afterwards did not go as she’d envisioned it. To begin with, rather than cheers or intrigued questions or any of the other reactions she expected, the announcement elicited six groans at varying levels of frustration and indifference. Pinkie Pie smiled through hers, but still joined in.

“Alright,” Applejack grumbled, “who found some Equestrian geegaw and what does it do?”

Sunset frowned. “What? No.”

“I see,” said Rarity. “So it’s some manner of horrendous creature banished from your homeland now in the guise of an attractive young woman.”

“No, it’s—”

Twilight quirked an eyebrow. “Microchips built another death robot named after a seminal figure of Prench literature?”

“It’s a fun adventure!” Sunset shouted. Other students giving them a wider berth did not help her mood.

Pinkie squinted. “Fun fun or ‘we almost get killed’ fun?”

“Fun fun.” Sunset massaged her temples. “For Celestia’s sake, I’m taking you all out to lunch!”

Rainbow Dash perked up from the soccer drill that had taken her attention. “Wait, the principal’s paying for lunch?”

“No,” Sunset forced out through gritted teeth.

“That’s very nice of you, Sunset,” Fluttershy said, blushing, “but I, well, I’m sorry, but I don’t really feel that way about you.”

“Not as a date.” Sunset felt herself flush in turn, averting her eyes from the whole group. “I mean, unless anyone…” She shook her head. “Not the point. The point is that I pulled some strings with Princess Twilight and got a reservation for seven at Le Pâturage.”

Rarity smiled at that. “Oh, that does sound lovely.”

Dash cleared her throat. “Uh, hey, only person here who actually takes Prench? That just means ‘the pasture.’”

“Ah.” Twilight nodded. “That would explain why you got in touch with my counterpart.”

“It’s the nicest restaurant in Ponyville.” Sunset shrugged. “I just wanted you guys to get a taste of my home. Literally.”

Applejack grinned and slapped Sunset on the back. “I getcha. I still remember that summer I spent with my aunt an’ uncle in Manehattan. Bein’ able t’ get home an’ taste Granny’s cookin’ again was the best part.”

“And if I take a good look at the dessert menu, maybe we can make enough pony treats to keep you from feeling homesick again!” Pinkie cheered.

Fluttershy bit her lip. “Are we even allowed to do this?”

“Seniors are allowed to eat lunch off-campus,” said Twilight. “Though I’m not sure whether that extends to parallel timelines.”

“Look, it’s been long enough since my last meal in Equestria that Princess Celestia couldn’t stop me, much less Principal Celestia.” Sunset smirked. “Besides, Shy, it’s not like you’re the most stringent rules-follower yourself.”

Angel Bunny chose that moment to poke his head out of Fluttershy’s backpack and tousle her hair. She gave a quiet laugh, muttered “No comment,” and began the long process of coaxing him back into his hiding spot.

“So yeah,” said Sunset, “this is just meant to be something fun we can do together. Didn’t mean to make everyone assume the world was ending.” She cleared her throat. “Again.”

Rarity gave a theatrical sigh, one hand raised against her forehead. “Given our track record with events that are just meant to be fun, I trust you can understand our hesitance.” She grinned. “Let us hope this one will go smoothly.”

Dash rolled her eyes. “Oh boy. I’ve read enough Daring Do books to know a jinx when I hear one…”

Applejack jabbed her in the arm. “Hush.”

Morning classes went as they usually did; nothing out of the ordinary, no announcements from the principal’s office, no supernatural incidents that needed the united will of Harmony to quell. When lunchtime rolled around, the girls were all assembled in front of the school statue with eager grins as Sunset double-checked her journal.

“On the one hand, I wish I’d known further in advance that I might prepare a suitable ensemble.” Rarity frowned. “On the other, it’s not as if the portal let me keep the last one.”

“Yeah, I think I saw the place when we were sneaking through Ponytown last time,” said Dash. “Pretty sure it’s a no-tie dress code. Or anything else.”

Splendid,” Rarity groaned.

Fluttershy smiled. “It will be nice to have time to appreciate being a different animal. We were in such a rush to get everyone back last time.”

Twilight sighed. “I suppose. At least this time I’m mentally prepared for equinization.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Neologisms are a useful tool for processing experiences no one has had before.”

Pinkie thrust a fist into the air. “Yeah! Let’s get horsed!”

“Ponied,” said Sunset. “Important difference.” She nodded as the all-clear wrote itself onto a blank page, glad to see everything getting back to how she’d envisioned it. “We’re good to go. Come on, everyone, this’ll be a meal you won’t forget.”

On the list of things one wants to hear as they go through an interdimensional portal, “Oops” is near the very bottom. Unfortunately, as the seven crossed the threshold, that word could be heard at both ends.

Author's Note:

"Le Pâturage" is intended to be the Ponyville restaurant with the mushroom tables.