• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Forget not that I am a derp.


People have had a lot of crazy ideas about unicorns over the years. Given the sheer quantity, it shouldn't be surprising when some of them turn out to be true.

It still is, but it shouldn't be.

An entry in Thousand Words Contest III, in the Slice of Life and Comedy categories. Rated Teen for teenage discussions of M-rated topics. All characters are 18, just to be safe.

Chapters (1)

Shortly before extracting the Pillars of Equestria and the Pony of Shadows from Limbo, the Bearers of Harmony faced off against a stallion trying to erase all records of an ancient evil, lest that knowledge fall into the wrong hooves.

Nopony ever considered that the two incidents might have been related. Not until Stygian's first novel hit store shelves.

An entry in the 2024 May Pairings Contest for the Original Pairings group. Last minute best minute.
Rated Teen for implied concepts a bit more grim than what the show could get away with.

Cover from the Friendship is Magic mainline comics, Issue #53

Chapters (1)

Sunset just wanted to give her friends an Equestrian experience without any magical mishaps, threats to life and limb, or tears in reality.

In hindsight, she really should have known better.

An exquisite corpse from many of the same folks who brought you Cheerilee's Normal Day, with each author only seeing the two chapters prior to theirs. Featuring the work of Jarvy Jared, PseudoBob Delightus, Dashie04, Silver Needle, EileenSaysHi, AltruistArtist, The Red Parade, Fillyfoolish, Bicyclette, The Sleepless Beholder, Rego, and yours truly.

Rated Teen for a precision F-bomb. (Hey, if it works for PG-13 movies...) Cover by PseudoBob.

Chapters (13)

Fifty-odd years after Twilight Sparkle took the throne, Equestria is in a golden age of technomagical innovation, with concepts from the human world competing with entirely original innovations in an upward spiral of ingenuity that promises to last forever.

… Sorry, make that promised to last forever.

On an entirely unrelated note, two elderly twin unicorns just teleported to an uncharted tropical island.

A double entry in the Dialogue-Only contest (where it got second place) and the Tropical Post-Apocalyptic contest. Rated Teen for references to alcohol and almost certain death.

Chapters (2)

Be it ancient menace or new threat, diplomatic snafu or domestic concern, monster attack or friendship problem, Twilight Sparkle and her friends have always risen to the challenge.

That's a bit of an issue this time around, when the challenge is a marked absence of Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (4)

Life at Crystal Prep is tough, but so is Sunset. The school demands the best from the best, and she’s happy to prove she’s the cream of the crop. Having an amazing girlfriend doesn’t hurt either.

Even if thinking too hard about that girlfriend does.

An entry in the Sunset x Villains Crystal Prep contest, Sci-Fi Contest III, and RockstarRaccoon’s final Crackfic Storm. Mostly to see if I could. Rated Teen for brief mentions of assorted work-safe bodily fluids.

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor is... mostly aware of what his little sister's been up to since the Friendship Games. Cadence keeps him in the loop, but she refuses to talk about some topics, insisting that it isn't her place to discuss them. When his phone rang a few moments ago, he thought Twilight had finally decided the time was right.

He's not entirely wrong, but he'll soon wish he had been.

An honorable mention in the Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad Competition.

Chapters (1)

In every world, era, and species, adolescents think they're the first to invent or discover whatever they come across. It's not hard to see why. In the flower of youth, every experience is new and fresh and exciting, especially the ones previous generations won't discuss. Not in polite company, anyway. Certainly not with their children.

Well, "exciting" isn't always the best word to describe those discoveries. Sometimes it's "horrifying." Especially when it involves certain alicorn princesses.

Rated Teen for discussion of topics that would be rated Mature. Also rated C for Crackfic. Graciously preread by Comma Typer.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Multifaceted

Falling in love with someone is a package deal. Yes, you get your significant other, but for good and for ill, you also get their family. Normally, that's all upside for Applejack. For all her aunts, uncles, and cousins, she still doesn't have as much family as she wishes.

But Rarity is extraordinary in so many ways, and so are her relatives. Especially her father. And now AJ has to worry about setting off a truly extraordinary family feud.

After all, "It's just a game" doesn't work on a man with an Ultra Bowl ring.

Part of the Oversaturated World, with little to no familiarity required for this story. Rated T for stronger language and substances than the pastel humanoids could get away with on camera.

Chapters (1)

Some of the Bearers of Harmony were born in Ponyville. Some moved there. Twilight Sparkle was the last to arrive, uniting five unlikely mares into a team of heroes who would define an age.

Emphasis on "uniting." The relationships between the other Bearers before that Summer Sun Celebration ranged from "childhood friends" to "might be able to pick each other out of a police lineup." And yet, fate had its ways of preparing for what was to come. Some more subtle than others.

Written for Shakespearicles as a part of Jinglemas 2023.

Chapters (1)