• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Forget not that I am a derp.


Be it ancient menace or new threat, diplomatic snafu or domestic concern, monster attack or friendship problem, Twilight Sparkle and her friends have always risen to the challenge.

That's a bit of an issue this time around, when the challenge is a marked absence of Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 74 )

So this is what that was about.
I am looking forward to the rest of this.

Also, you all know that i have to do some nagging when i find mistakes, and so here it goes:

That hole took place in the wee hours of the morning, when only the Night Guard and other nocturnal professions of varying degrees of legitimacy.

word missing. Actually. is that supposed to mean THE WHOLE THING took place in the beginning?
Then there is not only a word missing in the 2nd Part of the sentence afther the comma.

“Glasses aside, you are the spitting image of Sparkle circe the Ursa Minor debacle,” said Trixie.

circa or ca. not Circe the evil Witch from classical History.

"Code: Wandering Star"

Ooh! It's got a code! Wow!


Good opening! This was planned! She wasn't kidnapped or anything!


"she wasn’t sure what strings the principals had pulled to get her legitimate documentation and she was happier not knowing"

Secret Agents!


Canterlot High’s beautiful front lawn with the beautiful—

Twilight offered a sympathetic frown. “Embarrassing memory?”



The other soldier glanced at his compatriot and nudged him with a clenched fist. “Why are you saying it like that? You’re an earth pony.”

“I didn’t want to assume,” the first muttered without shifting his gaze.


Clenched fist as hoof approximate!


I am Twilight Sparkle of Earth,” said Twilight Sparkle of Earth


“Trixie resents that,” pony Trixie trixied. It was the only way to adequately describe the experience.


‘I need a break. I’m sorry.’”



At least things are sorta working out... Timber Spruce's future looks bright at least! aww! Out of all the ways for Timber x Twilight to end, this is one of the ones with the least hurt feelings? Yay?

Some solutions would be to pull another Twilight from another Equestria High to solve that side. Hopefully it won't come to that, and we don't know what Twilight winning would get.


"Cadence will encourage Twilight to date one of her more repentant classmates."

At least it's just Encourage!


Is it just coincidence that both Twilights have some commitments on their time, or is it parallel universe alignment or something? hmm.



folowed > followed

circe > circa [?]

After straightened both > After straightening both

Sunset leaned forwards. "Say no more, Ma'am. I will ferret out their weaknesses and pit them against each other, until their spirits are so crushed that they won't even be able to enter the mathematical Olympiad."

Luna looked at her student.

Sunset noted the silence. She'd heard similar silences before and they meant she'd missed something. "But I can't do that and look for Twilight at the same time?" She tried.

The silence continued, with an amused tint. Sunset frowned. "So if I don't sabotage the math team, then I can find Twilight before the contest?" She said doubtfully.

"Ah," Luna said. "That sounds most prudent."

"Don't you think it's a little high-risk?" Sunset asked. "How good is the math team apart from Twilight?"

There was a new kind of silence, one made by someone contemplating something they probably shouldn't. "... Committing an act of sabotage would probably be wrong," Luna said. "Ergo, hiding it from my sister would take up too much time for it to be an effective strategy."

How dare you hide this in the comments!

“The bet seemed like the best way I could delay her,” said Luna, as apologetic as Sunset had ever heard her. “The woman’s nigh-unstoppable once she puts her mind to matchmaking. And speaking as someone with her own history of suborning her own desires for the sake of those she loves, you have been… less than subtle.”

"Hey, it only took four coats of paint to cover up the "SS + TS" on the city water tower! For me that's understated!"

‘I need a break. I’m sorry.’

If I had a dollar for every time I've read this exact thing (though not word for word) and it inevitably leads to disaster, I'd be rich. This should be fun :pinkiehappy:.

Trixie rolled her eyes. “You’re overdramatizing this. And that’s Trixie saying that.”

:twilightoops:... We are totally fucked, aren't we? :twilightblush:

:raritywink: Indeed. Hopefully, we get this solved before the end of both worlds at least.

“If Crystal Prep wins the Olympiad, Cadence will encourage Twilight to date one of her more repentant classmates.”

It felt like Sunset had swallowed an ice cube. “What?

Luna shrugged. “She used to babysit Twilight and is still one of her most trusted confidantes. That said, I can tell you that Timber Spruce will make another young man very happy someday.”

“Oh.” The chill kept spreading as Sunset took in the full implications. “Oh.

Huh. Don't see a lot of "Timber is gay". Or maybe that's just me not looking.

Including Trixie here was a great idea.

Oh, my. This is going to end badly, isn't it? Well, chaos is funny.

Oooh, this is looking fun so far. Love the code name. A small part of me wants to believe this is some prank by Twilight, even though I know that won't be the case.

"That said, I can tell you that Timber Spruce will make another young man very happy some day.”

Making Timber gay in this story gave me a well-needed laugh, too, just for the sheer unexpectedness of it.

Can't wait to see where this goes.

The frown deepened as Twilight glowered at the cole slaw. “I’d really rather not talk about it.”

Something tells me it's bad. Very bad. :fluttershysad:

In short, all of Twilight’s things were once again horse things, and it hadn’t gotten any easier to deal with. Still, she had enough spare attention to notice how, rather than the expected curious crystal, the room where she found herself was built from white marble. Also filled with an assortment of cardboard boxes, dusty furniture, and other ponies.

Hearing her say horse things still makes me laugh 5 years after it was first said in Spring Breakdown!!! :rainbowlaugh:

“That’s the question of the hour, darling,” said Rarity. She looked to one of the windows. Twilight followed her gaze and, gobsmacked by the fantasy cityscape before her, nearly missed the rest of the response. “The sun went up this morning, thankfully, but there’s been no trace of her since aside from a letter she left in Spike’s room. And all that said was ‘I need a break. I’m sorry.’”

That's it? She left a note and wanted her counterpart to take over? :applejackconfused:

Trixie didn’t so much smirk as settle into her default expression. Which was a smirk. “They’ve already checked every library and bookstore both here and in Ponyville.”

Just because she enjoys books doesn't mean that's the only places worth checking. :ajbemused:

“Well…” Rarity gave a hesitant nod. “Yes, that is technically true. In the sense that we’re more concerned with the body of Twilight Sparkle.”

Why am I not surprised. :facehoof:

“The princesses emeriti haven’t written back yet, but we have Discord covering the sun and moon, and he’s Pinkie Promised to keep them going at the usual rate for at least the next few days,” said Rarity, which somehow wasn’t the craziest thing that had come out of her mouth today.

That's good. I guess? :unsuresweetie:

Trixie chuckled. “I like this Sparkle. Can we keep her?”

No! :twilightangry2:

“If Crystal Prep wins the Olympiad, Cadence will encourage Twilight to date one of her more repentant classmates.”


Luna shrugged. “She used to babysit Twilight and is still one of her most trusted confidantes. That said, I can tell you that Timber Spruce will make another young man very happy some day.”

I wonder if that's what Sci was trying to hide from Sunset? :applejackunsure:

“I understand, ma’am.” The words felt distant, like Sunset was watching someone else say them. “If you’ll excuse me, I have an alicorn to track down.”

Let's hope Sunset can find her! :applecry:

“The sun went up this morning, thankfully, but there’s been no trace of her since aside from a letter she left in Spike’s room. And all that said was ‘I need a break. I’m sorry.’”

Well, gee! It's almost like shoving the responsibility of ruling a nation as monarch and/or deity onto someone who has never shown even the slightest indication of wanting it, all without discussion or permission... might cause some problems. Who'da thunk it?

“I can see why Celestia foisted this on me.” After straightened both her posture and her mask of professionalism, she continued, “I assume that this will preclude her attendance at the Math Olympiad this coming Friday?”

Nope, 0/10, out of character! Twilight would never risk missing that for something as trifling as saving a nation. :twilightsmile:


Interesting start. Looking forward to seeing how both the search and the impersonation go. And given Princess Twi's levels of preparation and Human Twi's general demeanour, I'm not certain which I'm less optimistic about.

Also, while I have seen the reveal of Timber being gay once before, this does make me realize why I like the idea so much*: because it recontextualizes his initial, creepily forward flirtation with Twi as archetypal overcompensation and cover. Not that coming on incredibly strong to (whether you know it or not) a recent trauma victim, over whom you have direct, professional authority will ever not be a horrifically bad look, but it at least feels feels a bit more forgivable if it's because of a classic bit of general (and, most likely, self-) deception and the questioning and inner turmoil that tends to both cause and result from it, rather than just him acting kind of sleazy (to me, anyway) cause he saw a cute girl and didn't think further about it.

*Beyond elegantly getting him out of the way without demonizing him in a way that usually feels childish (if, to a small, horrible part of my brain I despise, satisfying), that is.

Circe has been banished from Equestria. (She did turn Zephyr Breeze into a pig... or maybe he's always been like that.)

And yes, "hole" was intentional there, referring to the hole in the patrol routes pony Twilight created to enable her escape.


Some solutions would be to pull another Twilight from another Equestria High to solve that side.

The "Twilights all the way down" plan is a matter of last resort, especially since there's the question of whether they even can access another human world, much less realign the mirror to the world to which it's currently linked.

Don't worry, it got put in the commentfic repository.

"That could have been any incredibly attractive and clever person referring to an even more attractive and clever person!"
"Some days I wonder how you got away with anything."
"Honestly, same."

Pretty much everyone saw this coming, but Twilight saw them seeing it. And hey, human Twilight has almost a week before the Math Olympiad. Plenty of time to save a nation from abject chaos.

And yeah, given how Timber seems to construct most of his personality from what he thinks a popular, sociable person is supposed to be (presumably based on media consumption,) it tracks that he'd go over the top on any romantic endeavors without analyzing how it looks or what he actually wants.

After the weekend it just might be both of the Twilights will be missing.

I don't know what's scarier, losing a Princess, or that it happens so often there's actually a term for it.

i gathered that much, but the grammar is still broken there :P

“Starlight Glimmmer has volunteered to guide you given her own experience in this world,” offered a guard.

Rogue m on the loose. I repeat, rogue m on the loose.

Rogue m contained. Thank you for your service, citizen.

Oooh, this ought to be fun.

And deep. Princess Twilightʼs parting note makes me think the story will go really deep.

Canʼt wait to see where this goes!

Oh Twilight, I feel your pain "hugs"
Can't wait to see what Celestia thinks of this :derpytongue2: Have they checked the Crystal Empire?

This is going to be a ride, I can tell. Onwards!

oooh, interesting premise and a very well-thought-out setup.

"Yes, yes, the two of you are troglodytes who wouldn't know what to do with social media if it bit you on the bum, and I love you both dearly."

Sunset: To be fair, I grew up on another planet that has only just now invented the telephone. :derpytongue2:

This might have been resolved faster if yon guards had mentioned the emergency body double situation...

No, I suspect telling her that would end the monarchy as Velvet launched a coup.

The (former) Princesses, when they figure out WHY Twilight ran off, will no doubt feel a terrible sense of guilt and shame.

Reminder: Season 9 was the end result of good intentions, making the most of a bad situation, and G4's long-standing behind-the-scenes problems (ex: communication issues, ill-conceived Hasbro mandates, and the revolving door that was the writing team).

Applejack rolled her eyes. "We've been drivin' an' walkin' for almost twenty minutes. You've had plenty o' time t' explain."

"I said there's no time to explain and I stand by that!"

I was expecting a 4th wall break here where she complains about the scene break which would have skipped over her explanation had she given one.

Velvet would probably let Equestria burn if she thought it was best for her Daughter.

The princess might need get rest, but going ":yay: this shit I'm out!" in the middle of the night is a rather horrible way of doing it that will earn her a lot of justified face slaps with horseshoes.

Mare could've reached for help. Arranged a vacation. Gotten some therapy. But, well, Twiggy wouldn't be Twiggy if she had that much self awareness, would she?

Curious to see what shenanigans will come next!

PS: Trixie's effort to get that illusion going is a rather nice worldbuilding touch :twilightsmile:

Firstly, SQUEE!

Secondly, I need to get these off my chest:

but to be fair, this Trixie 'didn't look up to more enthusiastic one'

Trixie nodded. "I still fell like that sometime.

My OCD strikes again :twilightblush:

"First Base!"

"Who?" said Fluttershy.

My Mom's favorite comedy duo and skit :twilightsmile::heart:

Unyielding Resolve broke first.

After a moment to steady himself, Valor gulped and nodded.

The irony is so perfect :pinkiehappy:

And oh my God, I love Twilight's mom :raritystarry: Lemon squares make everything better 🍋

This all begs the question, though: what the hay were Celestia and Luna thinking? -_-

Pretty sure that is the fourth wall break, just more subtle about it.

Season 9 (and 8, for that matter) made some... interesting choices, and I remain impressed by how the fanfic community has managed to deal with them. :twilightsmile:

Looking over the field, Sunset soon spotted why he was there. "First Base!"

"Who?" said Fluttershy.

What you did there. I see it.

So much history and backstory being revealed all in order to find Twilight!

That Twilight Velvet has history with Daring Do! Nice use of the comic!

What would Velvet think about the plan to use the mirror-clone of her daughter like this? Does she not know?

Then there's questions about the human version of Twilight Velvet...


She giggled. "Sorry, reflex. It's really simple. We're just going to need one of Rarity's sleeping masks, a bucket, and Flash Sentry."

They're gonna blindfold Flash and have him lead them to Twilight, somehow??


Cool First Base!

Hope human Twilight will do okay, and this delay in finding pony Twilight won't be too bad...

Pinkie's plan can only end in chaos and confetti.

Also, Velvet scares me.

"Do I have to pay Sunset's rent?"

That's not what Rarity meant! :twilightangry2:

She giggled. "Sorry, reflex. It's really simple. We're just going to need one of Rarity's sleeping masks, a bucket, and Flash Sentry."

I'm just wondering what those will be used for? :applejackconfused:

She let her actions speak for her from there, firing a magenta bolt and setting off twin booms that by all rights should have blown out Twilight's eardrums, to say nothing of her ribs. Yet all she felt were a pair of shoves. And by the time the oddly glittery smoke cleared, the satchel charges had been replaced with a pair of purple wings. Twilight had to peer closely at them to spot the slight transparency.

Still an odd addition just to make everyone think she's an alicorn. :unsuresweetie:

""Well, I suppose we could work around this if we knew why we needed Flash..." Rarity turned to give Pinkie a meaningful look, only to find her missing.


Sunset stayed in place, opening her contacts list and calling a number that had been given to her only fire dire emergencies. If this didn't count, she didn't know what did.

only for dire emergencies.*

"Sunset," Vice Principal Luna said with measured neutrality. "I take it you have yet to track down our wayward 'exchange student'."

Was thinking the number was Celestia's but Luna was my second guess. :twilightblush:

"No." She sat, still scowling. It was a circular table, yet she was at its head. "Gentlecolts, you need to hear this, and you're not the only ones who do. I have not seen my daughter this upset since she was eight years old and had just gotten her first B. She needs time away from the throne, and she will get it whether we like it or not. Dragging her back like a convict, even if any of us could, would only delay the inevitable and lead to an even longer absence."

Wait, so the princess is still in Equestria!?! :applejackconfused:

"Oh, that." Velvet shrugged. "You can see if she left any leads in her room, but she left half an hour before you knocked."

Then where did she go!?! :applecry:

"Pray forgive us, my dear," he muttered. "We have much to ask of you."

I have a bad feeling about this. :fluttershysad:

...to the baseball diamond that Pinkie homed in on like a bloodhound.

Fluttershy looked like she wished she was holding the leash.

Both out of apprehension toward the plan and for other reasons she desperately told herself weren't there and totally involved Pinkie also wearing more than just that.

"Flash's kid brother. Good kid; he never liked me when Flash and I were dating.

If this were anyone else, I'd be very concerned, but coming from Sunset that's weirdly heartwarming - seeing how comfortable she is talking about her old self without downplaying it.


Huh? No, he's on second - not even mentioned in the story.

Sunset stayed in place, opening her contacts list and calling a number that had been given to her only fire dire emergencies. If this didn't count, she didn't know what did.



Some interesting developments, definitely. Though I do wonder whether Velvet confirming Twi was there means they can call off the search in the human world, since it seems unlikely she could have slipped through the mirror after her disappearance was discovered. Admittedly, Velvet could have been lying to misdirect the investigation, but this still seems like information Sunset and the Girls could use.


it seems unlikely she could have slipped through the mirror after her disappearance was discovered.

Spring Breakdown was alluded to, so there is at least one other portal she could have used. And it leads to a deserted tropical island, at that.

She glanced upstairs. "For what it's worth, I would have gotten her out of the house before dusk." Both guards started to rise. Velvet's expression fell. "Sit down, gentlecolts."

It wasn't a spell that made their legs give out from under them. It was sheer Authority with a capital A, the same force of personality that both stallions had experienced from Celestia herself, a tone of voice that went directly for ancient herd instincts and said "Obey."

"Mrs. Velvet—" Resolve tried again.

"No." She sat, still scowling. It was a circular table, yet she was at its head. "Gentlecolts, you need to hear this, and you're not the only ones who do. I have not seen my daughter this upset since she was eight years old and had just gotten her first B. She needs time away from the throne, and she will get it whether we like it or not. Dragging her back like a convict, even if any of us could, would only delay the inevitable and lead to an even longer absence."

"Ma'am, Equestria needs its princess," Valor insisted.

"And its princess needs the peace of mind necessary to rule it. You guard her physical welfare, gentlecolts. I've looked after her emotional welfare since well before you swore your oaths. She needs more than just crying into her fillyhood pillow." Velvet smirked. "Fortunately, the Princess of Friendship has finally realized that she's allowed to call on her friends and family for a few personal favors, not just the other way around."

And that right there. ladies and gentlemen, is the most dangerous and powerful force in the multiverse. A mother protecting her children and in full on mama bear mode :twilightsmile:.

The revelation that send her rocketing to wakefulness didn't hit until just after midnight.

Speaking of Midnight, wonder if we should worry about another one...

Open the portal. I am coming to help. This is not a request.

Yup. That's Sunset to a T.

Oh, duh, they can just get Luna to dreamwalk and find her.

along with wondering how Twilight was dealing with the same issue and if she needed someone to sleep with her



Oooh. Thanks for stating it! It's a good idea! Unless Twilight thought of that too, and there's some dream-hiding magic available...

Good to see that Pinkie thought ahead and put a bucket into her plan too!

Psychometry had no luck, but could they use the human Twilight to find their missing Pony? Sympathetic magic or something?

If it is the dream-search idea above, and it fails, might they try the Pony!Flash option? He might be in the Crystal Empire? If the news travels that far, I wonder how Cadence and Shining Armor will handle things.


The revelation that send her rocketing to wakefulness > The revelation that sent her rocketing to wakefulness

Sunset. Twiggles. For the love of the Sun, Moon, Stars and Shadows, just kiss already!

That requires them to actually be smart. And these two are as dumb as they come when it comes to common sense.

The flashback text color is almost unreadable in dark mode.

A+, 10/10, top-tier Pinkie plan right there - not only crazy, effective and logical in its own bizarre way, but also explaining all her previous actions perfectly - if she'd explained it before, there'd be a chance that Flash'd learn about it and thus totally ruin it.

Also, intriguing stuff about what Pony-Twi's doing. Always nice to see someone dealing with the implications behind a filly villain and, so far at least, doing so effectively. Here's hoping I can one day manage the same.:twilightsheepish:

Also also, I'm kind of 50/50 on whether Sunset and Twilight not being in an official relationship would stop them snuggling throughout the night, but that's probably my own biases showing, plus the context might make the idea non-viable.

Also also also, nice that someone else remembered the hint that Spike is really well-connected that the show dropped early on and then proceeded to do absolutely nothing with. Not that it's not in good company in that respect, but still.

Also also also also, I've just run out of 'also's... which I wouldn't have if I hadn't just used five of them in this sentence, but I needed to in order to tell you about the thing that happened because I decided to tell you about it and now my head hurts.

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