This story is a sequel to Sick Little Ponies (And One Dragon)
Everypony gets sick sometimes. A number will try to ignore it. Some fight through it, even when they shouldn't. Others make sure they succumb as quickly as possible, and that everypony around them knows it. One or two might refuse to admit anything's wrong at all. But eventually, everypony will fall ill.
Alicorns. Activists. Ordinary citizens. And possibly a minotaur.
It's time to bring in some new patients.
Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages.
(While this is listed as a sequel, the main connection to the original is in theme. No knowledge of the earlier stories is required.)
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When one of the Sisters sneeze, the rest of the world panics about the world dying as the celestial bodies stop moving.
Luna has heard THAT before
The Element of Elements
Chapter 2 "The Old Problem"
This experience does not inspire confidence
I swear, you write the best Luna.
Yep, this is going to bite Luna in the flank.
Luna, you little brat!
Keep up the good work. I wanna see where this goes.
Frankly, the position is long overdue.
In any case, brilliant look at the world’s oldest bratty little sister, even if she’d strongly object to such a label. I half-expected the other luncheon attendees to crowd around her in the hopes of catching a nasty case of Nightmares. Looking forward to further installments.
... Luna, honey, you're a politician too.
I liked it. Thank you for taking the time to write despite the way the month went.
I guess Sick Little Pony III should be about a kidney stone.
oh, something about this reminded me of an old "Green Lantern Corps" comic book:
this planet was a genuine democracy, every dispute was handed by voting.
when the planet was invaded, and a green lantern dropped his ring and lantern, they voted on whether or not to use it.
they were standing in line to vote while the invaders were dropping bombs on them!
they actually said no, because it would "make one person too special"!
BUT, one person defied that ruling, and put on the ring, and said the classic oath. (he had trouble saying the "beware MY power" part)
he defeated the invaders, BUT wound up as ruler, so ANYONE who had ANY problem asked HIM.
the story ends with a married couple asking him to help then decide what color wallpaper their house should have.
Luna trying to avoid the Luncheon reminds me of one of my old favorite stories, "anything but the Gala", where Celestia keeps trying to get Luna to take her place at the Grand Galloping Gala, and Luna keeps coming up with excuses...
one excuse was that she "needed to calibrate the moon"!
Luna as Typhoid Taylor.
At least in the end she listened to the doctor.
In a lot of ways, VB spent his entire residency training to be Luna's doctor.
There's a filly in everyone. Even Luna. (Whose inner filly is a little more headstrong than others...)
This was a good chapter. Looking forward to seeing more.
Most sneezes can be directed. An alicorn's sneeze is addressed "To Whom It May Concern"
So. How big of a part in the motivation for writing this chapter was to make "a ruler sneezes and the stock markets crash" literal? Which brings up the sequitur; who convinced ponies - a herd species - that stock markets are a good idea?
I swear Luna is always up to being no good in the best possible way.
With Luna's attempt to avoid the doctor by running from him, perhaps she has accidentally spread some novel variant of equufluenza around, this creating a common thread for this story?
ailicorn! Ooh! Used inside! Cool!
awww! Great friendship from all the visitors! And character growth! ... through another's adversity!
I was thinking that everyone would get sick from visiting her, but apparently not! Yay!
Heh. Bathrooms bookends.
I'll be right here" > I'll be right here."
Not to be confused with her twin sister Seethia, who, funny enough, teaches anger management classes.
And the less said about Maldia, the better
"We have a better writer! You don't have to be idiots!"
"Sorry, force of habit."
And the irony is that Misty's proving impressively adept at making poisons. Opaline might almost be proud of her enterprising little assassin. Almost.
Great installment of the collection and a fascinating meditation on the unique horror of a friend who's done the unprecedented going in a less than pleasant direction. Thank you for it.
Well I think sooner or later she will have her revenge. Probably nothing more then something silly.
When did Hitch and Sunny date?
How ... how do you attach leeches to an exposed, indestructible, bone?!
Well, at least they were all trying to help -- in their own ways.
The irritating thing is that getting used to how things should have been all along is that the herd expects the one being shunned to do the heavy lifting reconciliation-wise.
Should be either "had woken up," or "woke up."
Missing a period here.
Interesting and humorous story all around.
Always a pleasure to read a story with your version of Luna; she's such a dour delight! And adding one or both of the Bears makes it an extra treat!
House is paid off? Man, Hitch is living the dream (you know, except for the whole who herd of worthless nags he works for thing).
Damn, the Maretime Bay Council really needs to go.
I'd object to this being necessary, but I admit that I couldn't name any of my municipal representatives without looking it up.
No, he'd refused to stop for a drink even once. He just didn't think he had a choice in the matter.
Fascinating detail there. Sunny is a bizarre specimen; seeing how her body reacts to her mindset is always fascinating.
In any case... yeah, this whole situation is utterly unstable. Hopefully it will improve with the next election cycle. (Alternatively, Hitch could conveniently ignore crimes around and in the councilors' homes and see how they like anarchy when it affects them...) Great work in exploring an issue G5 refuses to confront.
Was this an HP Lovecraft reference?
Well, this was a train wreck. Couldn't look away.
That Council is the mirror of reality politics and it's a bad thing that it make me think that the solution is that it need to burn.
Time to watch the electoral debate!
In a world with smartphones, I wonder how long until someone gets the concept of police body cameras. We know the thought wouldn’t occur to Hitch, but…
“Oops, I forgot to turn off the camera during that council briefing. I must be careful that such embarrassing footage doesn’t get misfiled and accidentally sent to the press. Such a shame that stress and overwork can lead to honest mistakes…”
Poor guy. I’ll wager he knows where the metaphorical bodies are buried, and he’s too honourable to let it slip.
The more I read through Misty's scene, the more I began to wonder if she had killed the mare. Knowing how badly she got entangled by that tree, though...there has to be at least some serious injury.
Look, it's a fair sentiment. Group musical numbers can make you do really strange things. Change your clothes. Change your personality. Force you to move in ways you don't want to...
Jokes aside, lovely addition to the story, even if Maretime Bay's government took a few cues from Amareica's. You can lead a horse to equality but you can't make him believe in it.
I am laughing, because it's funny, but it's extremely fragile and uncomfortable laughter.
Holy fuck, the illness was bad enough without her friends all seemingly trying to kill her!
This was funny. Of course the politicians didn't think there was actual risk of getting ill themselves or they would have brought face masks. Of course that could be considered offensive and as a result spark another pointless political debate.
Luna really should have known better than to try to stay sick to avoid the luncheon though since Celestia didn't take all that long to figure it out and would hvae ensured Luna owuld be healthy for it if only to punish her little sister for pulling such a stunt.
“Hitch understood that some ponies believed he was the lucky sole stallion in a cross-tribe mini-herd. And, because Hitch’s job required understanding ponies and he was very good at his job, Hitch understood that some ponies believed this because some ponies were, by and large, complete morons.”
This is a great chapter and I loved how Misty simply explained things and how she at least asked for permission with her attempts at a cure. Pipp's tea wasn't a bad idea but very limited in how it could help. Hitch should think about making a law about growing plants indoors.
Sunny should just have arrested the councilors for being on the council that's how corrupt and inept they are.
As I've mentioned elsewhere, it's plausible that Equestria has laws requiring that pegasus foals remain diapered when outdoors on the grounds that "If you think birds are bad...."
Little birdie in the sky.
Look what you did in my eye!
I won't tell and I won't cry.
I'm just glad that cows don't fly.
Ogden Nash (?)
In Equestria, cows don't but some ponies DO.
I wonder if Cadance will be back to normal before, or after, Flurry.
Lol Princess of Explosions. Oh, that's actually basically canon. Huh.
So much worldbuilding! Cool!
Yay Flurry ate!
Lol that last line. Will it work? All depends!
Oh wow. Spike is gonna get the surprise of his young lifetime.
Twilight has shown she is in no way prepared to deal with an infant. She parentified her little brother, both in cannon and in 'verse. (See ADLs and the piano incident.)
Luna: As assassination attempt ho, this is far from subtle...
Stopping a surging Flurry is as flashy and intense as a DragonBall fight.
You known, have we heard what the crystal ponies racial magic is?
So, to protect ponies from infant surges, they padded the nursery. You mentioned asylums…
Or, now there is part of the Crystal Palace that is a bouncy castle.
I doubt Twilight will be prepared for those surges. They really need to find a solution to them like they did in the cartoon.
The crystals didn't necessarily know all that earth pony magic could do, but they knew they didn't want to risk whatever Flurry could do with it.
... Well, that was accidentally prophetic.
Given Flurry's proportions, I'm pretty sure she's an adult small there.
I see Tempest has been here. (Though in your setting, she'd probably die before anything could break her horn.)
And the less said about unicorn foals approaching from underneath, the better.
Well, there's a new nightmare to contemplate...
That's a genuinely interesting deviation from the closest thing we have to canon, but given what little you've revealed about this Cadance's history, I'd be surprised if any element of that book got involved.
And the setup for "A Flurry of Emotions." Yeah, that's definitely one of those ideas that seems perfectly reasonable while you're half-delirious with fever and fatigue. Lovely work in showcasing the national defense project that is caring for an infant alicorn. Thank you for it.