• Member Since 17th Sep, 2012
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The Iguana Man

I am just a simple thinker, though some call me mad.


Iota Force Issue #7 Released · 7:50am Nov 20th, 2023

So, yeah. Also, the introduction blog's been updated, which I normally wouldn't bother to mention but... well, I kind of noticed something as I was writing it and...

Well, I'm not going to say I'm a bloviating windbag, but... the summary for issue #6 is longer than 53% of the stories on this site. Also, I'm a bloviating windbag.

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An Introduction to Iota Force · 8:49pm Jul 6th, 2019

So, since I started publishing the Iota Force series, I've been worrying about the prospect of continuity lockout. After all, I'm hoping to make this a very long series (key word: hoping) and all the stories so far have been relatively long, something I don't see changing that much. I mean, they won't ever be Diaries of a Madman or The Chase length, but still long enough that expecting readers to be able to read through the entire series before starting on the latest story

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Comments ( 119 )
  • Viewing 115 - 119 of 119

Thank you for the favorite! I hope you enjoyed reading it!

And now thanks for commenting and favoriting The Perfectiest Plan.

Thanks for the favourite, I love derpy’s treasure cave, it’s very sweet. I was alternately writing a grim dark and a nice one for a while. Lunas holiday is fun as well.

Thanks for the favorite, my man.:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 115 - 119 of 119
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