• Member Since 17th Sep, 2012
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The Iguana Man

I am just a simple thinker, though some call me mad.



This story is a sequel to Skitter, Scurry and Screech (Iota Force Issue #4)

In Equestria, there are more potential Special Talents a pony can have than there are stars in the sky, and each one can have as many uses as the bearer can imagine. Even the most innocuous mark can acheive wonders if the pony who wears it wishes to.

As such, when a pony comes onto the scene in Canterlot, performing daring robberies using powerful items and autnomous minions they've folded out of paper, it is... a little unusual, to say the least, but far from unbelievable.

The pony in question being a young colt, that's a bit more notable.

Still, such things are exactly what Iota Force, Ponyville's Colt and Filly crimefighters, were made for. So, the team is heading for Canterlot, ready to take on these origami opponents and, Icy Flight hopes, take in the sights.

Of course, both those things may prove difficult when facing the folded forces of the Paper Prince. When your enemy can literally make himself a small army, it may be near impossible to overcome such a multitude of minions.

Or, at least, that's how it seems on paper.

This is the fifth story in the Iota Force series. Reading the previous stories would be helpful and will help give some things context, but hopefully the story will stand on its own. However, just to be safe, a summary of the series' premise, characters and previous stories can be found here.

Edited by Raven618

Cover Art and Interior Art by Mix-Up (Link to his Deviantart page).

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 22 )

From behind her, Alula raised an eyebrow. β€œIt's only a model.”


There's no effect or phenomenon I know of that could consistently attract that kind of thing.

"I know of" being the operative phrase there. Not like Alula's studied metanarrative theory.

And Dinky with the call. Chronomancy does lead nicely into divination. This one should be very interesting. Certainly the weirdest Read or Die crossover I've ever read. :raritywink: Looking forward to more. Especially since water may factor largely in dethroning the prince.

Excellent start thus far. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where this story takes us going ahead :pinkiehappy:

As I said before, I am intrigued for more. XD

Interesting... very interesting... there's stuff about the Prince's abilities that kind of tick a memory of mine as well, but I'm not sure just yet what that *is*... huh.

Excellent work as always! Looking forward to what will happen next in this story. ^_^

Excellent work in both the fight choreography and showcasing Dinky's emotional intelligence. And Icy does raise a good question: Where is the Prince getting all that juice? I suppose we'll find out soon enough.

Well, so much for the hope that water's his weakness. I do wonder what's nagging at the back of Icy's mind. I admit, I just don't see it myself. We'll see if she figures it out in time for the great train robbery, assuming there is one.

I should have expected it, who "A La Mode" was, but I was still taken by surprise. :rainbowlaugh: Not complaining though, that was wonderful stuff!

Also, we seem to be having a bit of a breakthrough in the case for our young heroes. Good for them! Can't wait to see how this new angle of investigation might work out...

This was a great chapter, as always. We seem to have hit a bit of a breakthrough, at least in regards to how the Prince's magic works and what might be his potential downfall... but now I'm quite concerned about *what* his ultimate plan is for his grand robbery. Can't wait to see how it all plays out!

How many stories are going to be in this series?

Loved this. What a battle that was! And that bit at the end, perfect punchline. :rainbowlaugh:


Well, obviously there's no way of knowing for certain, but the current plan is for 27.

Yeah, I know - kind of an undertaking and I'm under no illusions that I have much chance of finishing it, but I can certainly try.

Great work with this chapter. I really like the way you handled Dinky in her scene. :twilightsmile:

Damn! That's a hell of a lead-in for next time! :twilightoops: "Sombra's secret"? Sweet Celestia, someone's aiming high!

He did seem to be winded at the end of it, just a good enough actor not to let it show.

Ah, so he's figured out how to reclaim his enchantments. Clever little git, shame he's using it all for evil.

It's been a while and I wasn't exactly paying close attention. How true to the original Incredibles scene is the poniquin getting completely obliterated like that?

Now, if only certain other countries could have it explained to them that prisons are meant to work this way instead of being legalized slavery...


Not very, but I get the impression Edna uses far more durable materials for her mannequins, given what they survived. Guess Γ€ La Mode's a bit more budget-conscious. Or just doesn't mind replacing them. Hard to say and I don't think anyone's going to ask her.

Finally caught up on this one. You know, before the following issue was completely finished. :twilightsheepish: In any case, fantastic resolution, especially the stinger with Dinky. I've got to love Best Filly doing Best Filly things. Now, on to the next thrilling installment!

β€œIt doesn't matter – I'll be done soon anyway. Soon, Sombra's secret will be mine!”

The first villain connected to a established character. I like where this is going.:pinkiehappy:

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