• Member Since 17th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

The Iguana Man

I am just a simple thinker, though some call me mad.


When Rarity is given a task or project, she will invariably put every ounce of her attention and effort into it, whether infinitesimally minor or world-altering. As such, when hired to decorate and organize the annual Hearth's Warming ball in Canterlot, she makes sure she is on top of things at all times.

It therefore comes as little surprise when Princess Celestia drops in to check up on how things are going and should, ideally, not be cause for concern. And yet, Rarity can't help but worry about exactly what Celestia knows, what she's heard and whether she knows exactly how on top of things Rarity is. The Princess has a talent for surprising ponies, after all, and a surprise from royalty can be most powerful.

Then again, it's just possible that Rarity isn't the only one in for a surprise.

Written for Equimorto for Jinglemas 2021!

I hope they enjoy it. For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 8 )

No doubt Rarity will learn a number of things during this dance, like how difficult it is to lead with a partner who is two feet taller than one's self is and how much it hurts when one is stepped upon by a rusty dance partner who carries twice one's own weight.

Boss, you've done it again. You've given us a character study wrapped up in a beautiful story multiple layers deep with exquisite world building.

On a more personal note, I'm so sorry I haven't gotten around to editing the next Iota Force. It's been months and I have no excuse for the delay. I'm sorry.


I... can neither confirm nor deny that both Rarity and Celestia massively underestimated how out-of-practice Celestia was.

On the plus side, that wall was in need of some renovation anyway. And the Griffonstone ambassador's suddenly falling over himself to sign that treaty. Weird that.

The best part, though? Despite everything, no one else noticed. Because even if Celestia overestimated her own abilities, Rarity definitely didn't.

that was an enjoyable read, i really like these stories that show Rarity insight. :)

“Besides which, many subscribe to the philosophy of one Blaze Pastel, that it's better to assume their divinity and act accordingly since,”

I see what you did there. Ponies making wagers, are they?

You write your Rarity well.
Enjoyed reading this two-shot :raritywink:

Actually read this a while back but forgot to comment on this; I reread this and it's still really good. I love the way Rarity is depicted here, and I'm a fan of her casually being really good at fighting. Celestia was good too.

Another great story! I think you made a very good choice in having the bomb being part of the conversation. The interactions between the two are just very nice to see. Close and distant at the same time. Thanks a lot for writing!

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