• Member Since 17th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

The Iguana Man

I am just a simple thinker, though some call me mad.


It's been an eventful few years for the now-adult couple of Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara. Not only have they developed into something far more than friends, but also into a pair of fine young mares. At least, Apple Bloom thinks so and she hopes everypony else agrees, including Diamond.

Now, a month or so after the two have moved in together, it's Hearth's Warming and time for their many far-off friends to return to Ponyville and see how things are, both for the home and the mares living in it.

Tonight is when Scootaloo, the first such guest, arrives and can discover the first and re-acquaint herself with the second. Will she be able to handle it?

Almost certainly, but without any mimed gagging, eye-rolling or mild terror? That's something Apple Bloom's not so sure about.

CONTENT WARNING: Contains 60% fluff, 50% banter, 20% jokes and -30% plot.

Teen rating for a few dirty jokes, nothing more.

This was written for Nyronus as a part of Jinglemas 2020! I hope they enjoy it. For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 8 )

That was an absolutely wonderful bit of fluff. Exactly what I needed this holiday season. :)

Apple Bloom chuckled, feeling herself beginning to fall into more of her stride when it came to talking with Diamond. “Course not. You think I'd go back and change a second with you?”

This line is pure wholesomeness.

A lot of this was really cute, and I laughed out loud a few times. I also really loved the ending. Thank you.

An adorable little story that I greatly enjoyed.

I really enjoyed it too.


You're most welcome. Happy to have given you some joy this Jinglemas.

There was a pause before Scootaloo answered. “Thanks, but I'm not big on wine, to be honest. And I had drinks with my team yesterday, so I'll be fine.

Missing closing quote.

Super cute! Loved this story so much.

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