• Member Since 25th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen August 19th


Trixie and Twilight are best ponies! (Diamond Tiara is best filly :D )


Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have found love... with the same filly: Diamond Tiara. Neither of them are sure how approach this situation: they both want to win Diamond Tiara's affections, but are they willing to put their friendship on the line to achieve it?

What's worse is that Diamond Tiara can't accept either of their feelings, because she herself has fallen for both of them, and is unable to chose between the two fillies that are slowly driving her mad, both during and after school!

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 193 )

man you are making alot of stories with diamond tiara in them why


Why NOT? Hmmm?


I can guess that Diamond Tiara is his favorite filly pony probably! Or probably he/she has more reasons to include Diamond Tiara on his fics! Just saying!

Comment posted by Delicious deleted Jan 5th, 2013

Gotta love the love triangle.

Well, a lot of Diamond Tiara fics show her in a horrible light. Maybe he/she wants to get people to see her in a different light. Yukito's probably one of the few who writes Diamond Tiara fics that doesn't involve her being brutally mutilated/raped/beaten/shunned and/or other horrible things.
...Man she is HATED in this website.

1910875 well really dont like her she is my least favorite character on the show so i dont really like stories with her being reformed or her being nice i tihnk she should just stay mean


Please give me an example of a fic where Diamond Tiara has faced such things! Thanks for answering! (Preferably over 20K words)

On the Diamond Tiara thing - I kinda like her. Her bullying in the show never exceeds the "being kind of a dick" stuff that basically everyone did at some point as a kid, so it's hard to really dislike her.

So in a moment of OOC, Applebloom and Scootaloo somehow like Diamond Cuntara and the feeling is mutual, and she manages to ruin their lives further by breaking their friendship.


Well, just use Diamond Tiara as a filter and start searching. I personally don't like to read those kind of fics since they're a bit too sadistic on a school filly. I just know because I read the summary's. Though I must say those kind of fics have died down quite a bit, that or they were removed. Sorry but you're going to have to do some digging.

I think it's because a normal fic that includes her results in a lot of bashing. So I believe that these stories are allowing her to catch a break.

I really enjoy your Diamond Tiara work and look forward to where you go with this. That hypocrisy in the teacher disciplining really takes me back to my youth. Teachers always punishing anyone involved unless you are actually at fault for once, then miraculously the other party gets away scot-free.

Biggs and Wedge... Do they have X-wings parked on rooftops somewhere? :trollestia:

As for DT, the thing is, with one very tiny exception, she has been one of the meanest non-cosmic antagonists we've had on the show. So it's kinda refreshing to see Yukito here fleshing out her and Silver Spoon.

i have not read this story yet but i can tell this is going to be a good story just by looking at it becuase will it is ponies so it has to be good:rainbowkiss:

Silver Spoon x Sweetie Belle later on?

You pulled off Silver/Belle, I have confidence that you can do this.

Interesting so far. I'm gonna follow and see how this goes...
Way too much d'aww for me to pass up. And I do like a good AppleTiara every now and then, so the love triangle angle will be interesting. :pinkiehappy:

OK. You got me intrigued :eeyup:

Please, continue :moustache: and maybe even add little SilverBelle here too :twilightsheepish:

Typically, the stories are short and exist mostly so haters can unleash their hate on her (and sometimes Spoon as well). The type of writer prone to doing that isn't prone to long, well crafted works of fiction. These aren't stories to develop characters, to have a big story arc. Probably some displaced aggression relating to bullying experiences in their own life is what fuels them. I'll note you a link of one such story. Don't care to give it any publicity beyond that.

Compare that to the likes of Cheerilee's Garden, which clocks in at 25k. It kills Diamond Tiara, but it also kills pretty much every other foal it gets its hooves on. It isn't out of hatred though, but rather as part of its gore filled storyline. And while it has a gruesome death for Silver and Diamond (and the others, for that matter), the portrayal of the two, the depth of their friendship, shows some positive aspects to them.

Even stories that don't harm her tend to keep her pretty one dimensional, just like the show does. Oddly enough, Spoon often gets given positive traits, even though she instigates as many things as DT does. DT just happens to be the alpha, so she gets the blame for things. For the rest, most realistic villain, so people can react strong to her, especially those of school age who have had bad experiences with bullies.

So hence she gets a lot of abuse thrown her way, because people feel it is okay to do that to her.

It goes beyond stories, into art as well. After the Bad Seed episode aired, for example, I saw a lot of DT hate artwork pop up. And that was an episode where DT and Silver pretty much did squat. Babs did almost all of it and did far worse things than DT and Spoon do. The hate? Yup, goes DT's way.

But there's those of us who love her regardless and like to explore other aspects of her character. That's why the Diamond Cutters group exists :)

It seems I've found myself back out on the ocean once again. Still can't say I see the appeal, but I can ignore my blind apathy of genre in favor of substance and good dialogue. I find it interesting that what happened with Biggs and Wedge was one of my original ideas for what would happen in One Bad Apple, only a bit toned down for television. Then I remembered that if Diamond opens her mouth in an episode, she's required by law to be the antagonist to the end. Strange fine print in her contract; she's working with legal to have it taken out.

The story's still in its embryotic stage, so I'll refrain from a full review for now. I caught Scootaloo trying to ignore the "obviously trouble" and "something sharp piercing right foreleg", but you were fine for the most part with your grammar.

Wow...I am SERIOUSLY loving this! It's just so...well, beautiful! It honestly is something that logically makes sense, and it's so well-written and sweet and moving and just...wonderful! But...Biggs? Wedge? The two famous baddies throughout the Final Fantasy series? That's...rather awesome and hilarious at the same time. Anyway, this is really nice. You got all the characters down pat, to where it's very easy to see them acting and speaking in such ways, and the romantic feelings that are starting to creep up are believable and exciting. I really hope you continue this, as I rarely see stories that don't just involve pointless sex or violence involving the Cutie Mark Crusaders and/or Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. :heart:

i wonder how bad things are gonna get between the two crusaders.

I want more of this. I like these sort of stories with Diamond Tiara. The only thing that would make this more complete is if Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle developed feelings for each other. Hint hint.

Ah, this is one of those fics that makes everyone hate Granny Smith. I'm really hoping that Princess Celestia 'conveniently' states that she doesn't mind homosexuals just as Applejack writes about an 'unnamed elderly relative' who 'might' be a homophobe..

Wow, I'm loving this SO much! I woke up this morning, saw this, and dropped everything I was doing just to eagerly read the new chapter! Even if you only had one up so far, I was so excited! And it certainly didn't disappoint. You really do write amazingly well. You honestly DID forget about Twist's lisp problem (where she slurs her s-words), and since Discord is now technically back, that part might need to be changed, but otherwise truly masterful! The small hints of comedy, such as Apple Bloom not liking seeing an orange and Scootaloo bluntly thinking she needs therapy, is hilarious and cute. But, all the subtle and sweet romantic moments, going back and forth between Scoots and Bloom, and involving Tiara, were played very well. I was so touched by all of it. Plus, most of all, it just seemed natural and logical and very fathomable. I love it! I seriously can't wait to read more! :heart:


I'm not very good at writing lisp dialogue, and don't wanna risk offending anyone (I accidetnally offended someone with a lisp when I was a kid, and let me tell you it did not end well).

As for Discord, when I write stories I tend to stick to the canon at the time of writing/conceiving it. In this case, I began writing it before the Discord ep, and since nopony really knew which way that ep would go, I just decided I wouldn't include its canon into this story. Besides, the common citizens of Equestria might not know about Discord's return. Celestia may be holding back the news until she can get it all sorted out, or it just might not have spread all across Equestria just yet.

Ah, and it comes out. Although I think I know what's really wrong with Scoots' dad. Damn... :(

That awkward moment when you and your friend have crushes on the same filly.

yay a new chapter!!!! I'm loving how you're slowly building things up. I can't wait for the next chapter showing how Apple Bloom and Scootaloo react to eachother's answers.

How did 5 whole minutes pass in that very brief conversation in the beginning?:rainbowhuh:

“Great,” Diamond Tiara said in a sarcastic tone. “The blank flanks have been doubled.”


“So in thirty minutes, we got kicked out of five gaming stores, four sports shops, two hardware stores, five fast-food joints, a library, and a church. We received a warning from a patrol officer, we broke a mailbox and narrowly escaped being arrested

Pffffffttt. That's nothing:moustache:

I really liked how you had DT stand up for Ponyville, I can respect that. In all honesty, I'd have done the same thing as AB and Scoots with defending DT.

Last thing, you leave out question marks every now and again, but otherwise it's pretty damn nice. ONWARDS!

You got their thoughts and body languages down quite well. It reminds me of all those crushes people have in elementary school and how much of a nervous wreck we could be lol

Nice, I like the reference to the Oxford comma there.

Again, another awesome job! First off, a few minor mistakes I just feel I should point out, just to help:

1. "sat together in school cafeteria". You need a 'the' in there.
2. Near the bottom, during a Scootaloo and Rarity back-and-forth, you forgot to insert a space, as the sentences are next to one another.

There's a few others, but those were the ones that I remember. Sorry, I just got so lost in the story that I forgot the rest. Seriously, you have no idea how excited these updates get me! I'm loving this story SO much! It seriously needs more attention. Even though Scootaloo didn't get as much focus this time, while Apple Bloom hogged most of the spotlight with Tiara, it still all felt really amazing. The chats with Cheerilee and Rarity were hilarious and believable; I mean, that's what we ALL were thinking, right? The reference to Derpy kicking Doctor Whooves out for cheating on her (at least that's what I assume you meant) from Babs' episode (at least that's what I assume you meant, again) was hilarious, too.

I honestly just love everything you put into this. It's like my own stories: not overloaded with unnecessary details that slows the story down and bores the reader, but just enough to create beautiful imagery that is more than enough to satisfy everyone. The subtle romantic hints, the adorable dialogue, the good characterization of basically EVERYPONY used...it's just all perfect! I love it. :heart:

Must...read...moar!!! I'm literally shaking in anticipation for the next chapter!!!

Ah, this is great! Thanks for making sure there's little in the way of misunderstanding with those who are asked their advice. :pinkiehappy: Also, I wanna hug Rarity, too. :duck:

I want to see where this goes, what will happen, and what pairing this will end up being.
Continue onward (at your own pace) author so that I may know these answers.

I look forward to more.

It's always a friend...

lol amen to that

the horse crap has hit the fan...I repeat....the horse crap has hit the fan

Applejack. Calling it now.

hmmmm i think it will be pinkie pie

I'm guessing the parents of one of the colts in her class.

Totally Applejack...at least I'm hoping it is.

Place your bets now!

AJ. Then all her thoughts of trying to actually focus on scoots is gone to shit. boom. More mental struggling.

2203306 Seconded. And dang, can't wait to find out, now!

Or Rarity, and she'll develop feelings for all three of them!

2210615 Going the way of the ponyamorous eh? THough then again, she already is...


Had ta type that into Google to discover what it meant (I thought the word was polygomy, but I guess I was wrong... or there's more than one word for it).

Fun fact, I then typed 'biamorous' into google images, and sixth result was Trixie. Looks like my Twixie Dash fantasy may be true after all :trixieshiftleft::twilightangry2::rainbowlaugh:

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