• Member Since 25th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Trixie and Twilight are best ponies! (Diamond Tiara is best filly :D )


One night in Maretime Bay, a certain little filly watches a movie that leaves her more afraid than ever of the unicorns and pegasi that supposedly threaten their town. Her father might have just the thing to help her overcome those fears.

Chapters (1)

Argyle Starshine returns to Maretime Bay, surprising Sunny and her friends who were under the impression that he was dead! Understandably, Sunny is thrilled to be reunited with her father. Izzy Moonbow is happy, too, but can't shake the feeling that something is off about Argyle. And when Sunny begins acting abnormal, Izzy's concerns only grow.

Written for the Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest. My prompts were: Argyle, Izzy, G1/2/3 Character, Maretime Bay and Changelings

You can find other entries in the contest here.

Chapters (1)

Cozy Glow's plans failed. She was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment in Tartarus, sharing a cell with the likes of Tirek and locked away from the world. Everypony is in agreement that justice has been served, right?

Well, her parents aren't. What parent could ever stand by and allow their child to suffer all alone? And if Celestia won't listen... then they'll just have to take matters into their own hooves.

Inspired by the dobermans' A Letter to Cozy Glow's Parents. Special thanks to Telaros for proof-reading. Vectors for coverart: Sad Cozy :( | Dark Cozy >:3

Chapters (1)

[SPOILERS: Season 8 Finale]

Alternate take on how Cozy Glow's story ends, 'cause I feel it deviated a bit from the standard pony formula and could've been better. Also I liked Cozy :(

Cozy Glow is put on trial for her crimes, her fate to be decided by the High Court of Equestia. Starlight Glimmer has decided to show mercy on her once-friend and defend her, but can she succeed?

Chapters (1)

With Twilight's new school offering so much more than Cheerilee's smaller one, and staffed by none other than Princess Twilight herself, more and more parents are making the switch to the new School of Friendship, leaving Cheerilee a proverbial shepherd with no flock.

To cheer her friend up, Mayor Mare takes Cheerilee to Viva Las Pegasus! Naturally, because the story would be boring otherwise, things go awry.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Starlight Glimmer Overreacts to Everything

Starlight Glimmer is not happy (shock), but this time it's at something Satanic! Something deplorable! Something unbelievable that will leave you shocked and gasping for air!

Starlight Glimmer... has witnessed two mares... in a RELATIONSHIP! Like, two MARES! Like, like, it's weird, innit? Like, just wrong! They're mares! Like, they both have vaginas! WTF?! HOW DO THEY EVEN- I gotta look up how they even have sex 'cause I just don't understand the mechanics of that ONE BIT!

... I may be gone a while...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chasing Thieves

Tirek, an international criminal mastermind with eyes in every corner of the globe, has secured two halves of a treasure that is said to lead to a land rich with magic - the land of Equestria. He still needs two more items, though, before the portal can be opened.

FBI agents Shining Armor, Chrysalis, Cadance, Blueblood and Gilda, together with Equestrian native Sunset Shimmer, must find these items before Tirek's people do. Enlisting the help of former villains familiar with Equestrian magic and archaelogical expert Daring Do, the race is on to save Equestria.

Chapters (31)

After a magical experiment gone wrong, Twilight Sparkle has gone missing. After a dog bearing a striking resemblence to the nerd girl comes along, Sunset is left with only one possible conclusion: Twilight's become a dog! :pinkiegasp:

Chapters (1)

All stories start somewhere. All heroes must take their first steps before coming things of legend.

For Daring Do, that start is here. Together with her teacher, Doctor Caballeron, she sets out to discover the true wonders that exist in the world of archaeology, as well as the dangers.

Proofread by RK_Striker_JK_5.

Chapters (1)

Daring Do received a letter from a mysterious pony, requesting her help in saving Santa Clause, on Hearth's Warming Eve. Can she, and an unlikely ally, save the day in time for Hearth's Warming?

Chapters (1)