• Member Since 13th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen August 30th



With the Ponyville School Dance coming up, and not having a date, Diamond Tiara sets up interviews to find her special somepony.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 31 )


Nice run of potentials, good end choices

You sure like shipping DT a lot


I'll forgive you if you do it more

Cute, but I get the feeling you put in far too many dialogue attributions in order to push this over a thousand words. I'd recommend using more description, contestants, or dialogue than a few dozen rounds of "(pony) said" to push a brief story over the brink. Better yet, background: Mention the eligible foals who have inexplicably passed up the Diamond Dazzle Tiara. Show her waiting expectantly for suitors after Cheerilee announces the dance, only for the herd of freed students to gallop by without batting an eyelash. Have Silver Spoon keep getting cut off each time she gathers the courage to ask out Tiara.

Sorry, guess I ranted a little. :twilightblush: Again, an enjoyable little blurb. The excessive attribution just got annoying after a while.


That's a legit complaint though, and one thing I really need to fix. I constantly tell ppl in reviews they need to show more, and yet in my own stories I kinda half ass it :facehoof:.

Thanks for the honesty though :pinkiehappy:! Hopefully I can get my act together.

Pretty cute and pretty funny. My only possible complaint would be that I wish it were longer, which isn't really a complaint anyway.

S’gonna be a good day.

Indeed :moustache:

Hmm...AppleTiara and SilverBelle.

I can live with this and ignore the slight RariDash.

technically it's also Sparity :moustache:

Rainbow Dash was the best part.


*shrug* Eh. Not so much of a NOTP as I just dislike them together.

Ship all the children!

You missed the obvious joke of having Sweetie Belle ask for Rarity, too.

No Scootaloo bursting through the doors and getting all up in DT's face in complete and utter excitement and asking her the most important question of all... "SO WHEN DO I GET TO TAKE RAINBOW DASH TO THE DANCE?!" only to be pillowfied and left buried alongside the prior pillowfied RD.

Loved the adorable joke at the end with Sweetie Belle. Very subtle.

That last line...I'm not sure how to react, it could be innocent and it could be really lascivious:rainbowlaugh:

I loved Rainbow's cameo. 20 pillows before she takes the hint.

That'll Do, Pig. That'll Do.

Short and simple, but still pretty cute! :heart:


“Excuse me, but I saw this poster and was wondering if you found a date yet?” Sweetie asked, earning a tender smile from Silver Spoon.

And Button Mash's heart was shattered :pinkiecrazy:

“B-but I’m always mean to you,” Diamond Tiara said as she finally looked at Apple Bloom. “What reason do you have to like me, let alone take me on a date?”
“Ah have one good reason, and it’s all ah need,” Apple Bloom said as she nuzzled Diamond Tiara. “Yer hot!” Apple Bloom said, causing Diamond Tiara to giggle.

DAYUUM that Applebutt is one SMOOTHE Operator!:moustache:

“Excuse me, but I saw this poster and was wondering if you found a date yet?” Sweetie asked, earning a tender smile from Silver Spoon.
“That’ll do,” Silver Spoon said as she licked her lips. S’gonna be a good day.

and now every pony is happy:pinkiehappy:

“Rarity! I’m here for your...you’re not Rarity?” Spike said as he took out the poster and read it. “This says I have the chance to take out the most beautiful mare in all of Ponyville.”
“Duh, and that’s me!” Diamond Tiara replied with a smirk as she admired her perfect hooves.
“But, the most beautiful mare in Ponyville is-”
“ME!” Diamond Tiara shouted as she threw a pillow at Spike, sending him out the door in a tumbling mess. “NEXT!” Diamond Tiara shouted. “Hopefully we’ll get a good candi-”
“Where’s Rarity?!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she quickly flew through the door. “I’m here to show her why she should take me to the dance!” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk, earning a glare from Diamond Tiara.
“Get out!” Diamond Tiara roared as she threw a barrage of pillows at Rainbow Dash.
“But...I….have….to…” Rainbow Dash muttered as she pushed against the onslaught of pillows, determined to reach her one and only.

I have two things regarding that part:
1. That's the most hilarious section of the story.
2. Please make a story where Spike and Rainbow Dash fight over Rarity's affection.

"'Well...we got some good candidates, haven’t we, DT?!' Silver Spoon asked with a smile, earning a glare from Diamond Tiara."

That earned a chuckle from me - primarily because I imagined Silver Spoon making a really awkward smile. I was disappointed when Diamond Tiara didn't bop her with a pillow, though.


“Where’s Rarity?!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she quickly flew through the door.

Wow. :rainbowlaugh:

“Yer hot!” Apple Bloom said, causing Diamond Tiara to giggle.

...Double wow. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

“Well, this sucks, I was hoping DT would take me to the dance,” Silver Spoon grumbled as she crossed her hooves in annoyance, when Sweetie Belle popped in.

More Shipping! :rainbowkiss:

“Excuse me, but I saw this poster and was wondering if you found a date yet?” Sweetie asked, earning a tender smile from Silver Spoon.

“That’ll do,” Silver Spoon said as she licked her lips. S’gonna be a good day.

Love that ending! :pinkiesmile:


You are right! That would have been glorious! :yay:

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