• Member Since 11th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Dec 28th, 2024


Some trust in chariots and some in horses.



Twilight chats about Sunset, ice cream, music, Sunset, mathematics, and Sunset.

You know exactly who i blame for this story.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

This was a very enjoyable read!



Thank you!

The ending is intentionally left open for interpretation ... that wasn't a no, was it? ;)

Your Sunset,, while different from my Sunset, is lovely and relatable. I always enjoy these little one-shots, which are both heartwarming and emotionally equivalent to an assault with items from a sporting goods store. (Which items depends on the reader, I think)

Keep it up!


Your writing is honestly so wonderful to read

I love how you describe even the little details so simplistically and elegantly

I can’t wait to see more!

I'm glad you found her relatable!

Thank you!

This was amazing but it also made me really sad. You're able to convey such vivid scenes so concisely, I'm very impressed!! Such a joy to read overall.

That was adorkable and awkward. Hopefully there's some SunLight in their future.

But Twilight's nonplatonic snuggle partner should be Moon dancer!


Thank you!

Thank you! We'll find out if there's Sunlight in the future indeed.

Always, ma'am.

That fan art is lovely! Moonlight is definitely good stuff but more for Princess Twi, this is Sci-Twi here. I thiiiink there is an EqG Moondancer as well maybe? but I dunno.

Great story but it needs a sequel something involving chocolate sauce and whip-cream!!!

Sunset, you fool. Leave her hanging like that and she's going to find the answer herself. Invasively.

Lovely Sciset tease. Thank you for it.

Nice and beautifully described simple story. You did a great job depicting Twilight's attraction to Sunset during a normal interaction. The ambiguous ending was nicely done too.

Thank you! It's almost like I can write love that's not unrequited, too! :p

Comment posted by Fillyfoolish deleted Nov 23rd, 2019

I really liked how you captured the more goofy nature of the SciSet dynamic that's not in Sunlight. Very cute!

Cute. Adorable even.

This is adorable. I am on a full on Sciset binge at the moment and this is one of the good ones.

“I’ve had this riff stuck in my head all day, and I can’t figure out for the life of me where I’ve heard it.”

Sunset sat in front of me, contentedly licking chocolate ice cream in an oversize waffle cone, darkness melting down the sides of the cone and her cheeks. I couldn’t tell you if she knew and chose to rock the look, or if she was simply oblivious.

If it were me, I’d be simply oblivious.

But I think the chocolate stains suited her, a sweet dark overlay to her radiance.

When you look good with chocolate stains, you know you are a waifu.

“Oh, yeah! I wanted to try your technique.” She licked around the rim, where the cone met the ice cream, catching escaping drips before landed on the sugar-stained wooden picnic table. Who needs the napkin dispenser in between us, when you have a perfectly good tongue, I guess? I might have found it gross, if I wasn’t enjoying seeing Sunset Shimmer, the most mature of the group, in her most childish happy-go-lucky state. Here was a girl who was barely nineteen and has saved the dimension, what, six times now? Granted one of those times was my fault, but hey, if I had a nickel for every time I accidentally tore a hole in spacetime.

I think you'd get about a quarter Twiggles.

Anyways, wonderful cute story.

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