• Member Since 26th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen June 21st


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I'm Back! More or less · 3:21am Dec 18th, 2022

Hello everypony! I hope you're all doing fine. It's been..checks watch a long freaking time since I really did anything on this site. This is a mix between having lost interest in MLP and real life stuff. Well I've regained an interest and wanted to get back to writing quality stories here on the site. I am planning on doing a mix of continuing some stories and writing one or two new ones. But this is why I make this post. I want to ask you, my followers, which stories you'd want to see

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Comments ( 24 )
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2430589 Thank's for the review, even if it wasn't what I was suspecting.

2140840 Depending on what it is I might, for free too, as I said though it depends on what your asking for.

1926007 No, Thank you for writing them. I do have to say some of the tactics that you used is a bit awkward but it's mostly from the fact that I know a bit about that kind of thing. It doesn't detract from the stories at all though so they're great none the less.

Hey there! Thanks for the favorites! I'm glad you've been enjoying them so far :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 20 - 24 of 24
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