• Member Since 26th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen October 2nd



Cadence has lived in Marehaven Harbor all her life. The only things she lives for is talking to the sailors that pass through the harbor and hearing their stories. She expected herself to fall in love with one of them eventually, but will they love her back?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

Is the bio of the story a play on the song Brandy(you’re a fine girl)?

Sorry, I know the song from Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2.

Interesting AU you've got there, especially with the bittersweet ending :fluttercry:

This may or may not be exactly what the whole story is a play on.

Thank you, it's a story I found myself wanting to write after thinking about how it would work well for Cadence and Shining.

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