Featured Stories
Rarity Gets Mugged Rarity gets mugged --but things don't go according to the script... 1,154 words · 118 · 8
Pinkie's Sweet Tooth Pinkie Pie travels through the Mirror Portal...But she doesn't return alone. 17,337 words · 32 · 5
Sour Apples Applejack is having a dismal week, when a friend gives her some illuminating advice 2,137 words · 11 · 1
Lyra's Pants Lyra finds herself in a race against the clock, amongst the busy streets of Manehatten! Will she ever reach her destination and get back home in time? 1,253 words · 10 · 0
Top Favourites
Taking Another Career Option Sunset Shimmer needs some cash, so she decides to get a part-time job. She never expected who her co-worker would be, or that things would turn out rather unexpectedly for everyone. 7,154 words · 426 · 7
A Simple Recipe Applejack and Pinkie Pie think back on how they met, became friends, and learned to bake together with the help of one of Ponyville's notable bakers. 6,617 words · 74 · 1
Seamless The secret to getting through life is finding someone you can be yourself with. 6,618 words · 659 · 8
On The Importance Of Spelling One expects that a husband would know his wife's name. Shining Armor doesn't. 4,096 words · 2,180 · 30
A Taste of Meat An Equestria Girls tale. Rainbow Dash dares Sunset Shimmer to try meat. The results are not what any of them expected. 4,839 words · 2,016 · 55
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Sunset's Sunrise Alone and afraid, Sunset Shimmer has been living off of the streets in Canterlot ever since she ran away from home. On a particularly cold night, she's out searching for something to eat when she bumps into the last pony she expects to see. 5,805 words · 731 · 23
The New Crop With the Apple family deep in debt, Big Mac climbs into the ring once again to save the farm. Now all that’s between him and the two-thousand-bit winner’s purse is some unicorn named Blueblood. Things are about to get ugly. 15,885 words · 188 · 6
Simply Rarity What does it mean for a pony who has everything to be generous? 8,846 words · 1,350 · 27
Sun Princess In the final days of her life, an exceptionally faithful student muses on the subject of her perfect and immortal mentor Applejack. 1,709 words · 3,215 · 41
Apple Ninjas and Other Vital Concerns Big Mac shows Apple Bloom that the farm can be a blast, even when her friends are all busy for the day. 3,783 words · 236 · 4
Thanks for the shelf add, broski!
Now, I like the scripture in your description. My fave is Proverbs 17:17: "A brother is born for times of distress"
Thanks for adding A Lost Sunset to your Read It Later!
Thank you for finding some space on your Favorites bookshelf for my stories The Living is Easy and Certain Advantages. I'm glad that you were able to find some of my works to enjoy, and I hope you'll be able to find more.
Thanks for the watch and the fav on The Old Gray Mare!