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Stories I am Working on. · 11:33pm Sep 8th, 2014
Well I had ideas I wanted to try out but here are a couple of old ideas I killed
The ultimate crossover to fuel more crossovers: Multiple Genres collide. Why I canceled it: I thought it was probably a too big project as a beginner. Maybe it will return.
Two twins: Two twins come to equestria. Why I canceled it: Another too big project. It has a 99% chance that it won't return.
My projects that are official:
Top Favourites
Epic human child in Equestria crossover to end all human child in Equestria crossovers of epic crossover-ness All the favorite children in Equestria are all brought into one dimension. Nuff said. 17,241 words · 65 · 29
War Games Ponies Play Hostages? Check. Wanted by the Royal Guard? Check. Permission? Check. It's going to be a long day for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. 12,875 words · 1,409 · 32
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