• Member Since 3rd May, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 17th, 2022


writer, reader, fellow brony, and tries to be a good friend.


This lonely world · 1:09am May 31st, 2014

Hello guys sorry I haven't posted anything lately about a new chapter it is getting on it's way sorry i was purée ouccupied with school graduation a break up and hw stuff and now that it's all out of the way I will start posting some more chapters so don't worried they are on the way

Report Belifurn · 336 views · Story: This lonely world ·
Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21

2378274 aw thanks you , you flatter me as well as updating , I've been busy I mean I haven't had time update the Christmas fic I wrote. For now we'll see

2378097 your story is a interesting piece of work. It gets you hooked as a reader to, want to explore its mystery but at the same time. Makes you want to hold the end of your seat. I hope to see more great updates and more interesting things coming from you.

Thanks for the watch and the fav How do I? I'm glad you like it . :twilightsmile:

1638924 because you inspire me to re do my work and try against even when I have issues completed themthank you. Your stories helped me see even I can finish what I started. Please keep up the good work.

1669543 anytime your stories are for nominal and you are really good at accepting and being cool about your mistakes in your stories keep it up

  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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