Guess who's not dead · 9:42pm Feb 16th, 2021
Me, I'm not dead.
And I will have a surprise to be sure, but a welcomed one, very soon.
How soon?
I cannot say
I'm just a human being who likes human things. I also like complaining that the bus is late.
Me, I'm not dead.
And I will have a surprise to be sure, but a welcomed one, very soon.
How soon?
I cannot say
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happy new year
In that case I am so looking forward for it
Very likely
Will include clop scenes?
Basic premise a human runs a Stip club (humans are rare but present) but it is a front for a government funded spy ring. Story goes that someone important dies and up to him to find out how and why. later uncovers a plot to break down equestria. Some romance and comedy here and there. No bullshit OP main character though, making a stand on that.