• Member Since 16th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 18th, 2024


I have one question, for you, and one question only.

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Blog Posts

  • 102 weeks
    Music and It's Impact on My Writing

    This short blog post is just me talking about how music effects my writing and the importance and impact it has on what I create. I know that I don't have a wide variety of things you can read to see that impact; I write outside of fimfiction frequently, but its not FiM-related so I don't really have anywhere to post it. Gosh though, I couldn't imagine trying to fuse ponies into some of darker stuff I've been trying to work on. I like a lot of the lessons I've learned from writing what little I

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    0 comments · 142 views
  • 103 weeks

    Latest chapter is out. It's uh.. out. Lol. I hope its good. Just stuff that needed to happen for the most part. Not much action but it is necessary work that needs to be done. Part of why it took so long is that its the way it is. The other part of why its taken so long is that I suck and was busy with friends. This shall not be a problem for the foreseeable future. As far as I know, I kinda deserve to be alone and when alone: write. Thanks for stopping by.

    0 comments · 112 views
  • 161 weeks
    slow slow slow

    So, I'm back to working. The winter storm a couple weeks ago had me without power for a week, and I've been slowly settling back in and getting angsty as this college semester approaches.

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Splodey's Page!

Hiya! I'm Explosions, shit-poster, asshole and procrastination extraordinaire! I write sometimes and appreciate quality writing.

Somehow, you managed to get to my page, be it from my writing to divine providence. If you haven't seen my writing, please do check it out. I love critique and comments. Even if you just go to leave a downvote, it warms my heart to know that I did something that moved you enough to take action! It's a win-win.

Did I mention how I'm lazy, and have very little motivation? Because I am lazy and have very little motivation. Work is not guaranteed to get done.


Music and It's Impact on My Writing · 11:08am Mar 6th, 2023

This short blog post is just me talking about how music effects my writing and the importance and impact it has on what I create. I know that I don't have a wide variety of things you can read to see that impact; I write outside of fimfiction frequently, but its not FiM-related so I don't really have anywhere to post it. Gosh though, I couldn't imagine trying to fuse ponies into some of darker stuff I've been trying to work on. I like a lot of the lessons I've learned from writing what little I

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Jay's Tomb

Here lies the greatest, most heroic sorcerer, Jay the Stormtrooper. A good friend, a great editor and an amazing writer. He served as an inspiration for me, and him being gone is one of the biggest losses this site has seen, in my opinion. And so I write this for him:

"The autumn breeze draws near,
But I am so alone with out you here.
Even though your voice I can still hear,
the days grow ever cold as the autumn breeze draws near.

Gone, gone are my fears.
Now, I am only left in tears.
I stay strong though, as if you were still here.
And then gone, gone are my fears.

On and on go the years,
but they aren't the same, without the friend I hold dear.
Since the world waits for no mere
mortal, on and on go the years.

Standing as a role model for your peers,
the reason I followed in your stead for those years.
And I wish you good luck in your future careers,
as I'm sure you'll be standing as a role model for your peers.

The autumn breeze draws near.
It's hard to believe you're not here.
Jay, I'm glad I could have been your friend for all these years,
but it's getting cold without you, as the autumn breeze draws near."

[P.S. no he isn't dead, but he is dead on fimfic. I just felt like honoring his going away. This is going to stay on my page forevs, because he really was a good writer. Please do check him out. I'm following him and his works are still up if you want to read them, though the unfinished projects will remain that way.]

[Update: I believe his page is no longer available. I apologize if you've been looking to read his stuff, but now it's gone with the winds of change.]

Comments ( 11 )
  • Viewing 1 - 11 of 11
Majin Syeekoh

Thanks for following me; I appreciate it!:yay:

1975141 Emotional drama. But it's back, and I have about 1k words writen for the next chapter. Expect it in about a week or so.

1975136 I WILL EAT YOUR CHILDREN!! Nah but uhh why did you take down th equestrian borderlands?

Thanks for stalking me!

1560306 It's alright man. And thanks. :pinkiesad2: It really means a lot to me.

1557345 no man you deserve it. Sorry it took so long to respond Ive been having problems with the log in for this site.

1557345 no man you deserve it. Sorry it took so long to respond Ive been having problems with the log in for this site.

Hey, thanks for adding Five Nights at Pinkie's 2 to your favorites! :yay: It really means a lot to me.

  • Viewing 1 - 11 of 11
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