• Member Since 29th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 27th, 2019


I'm just a duck enthusiast who likes ponies, video games, and reading. That is all. Or is it...?

Comments ( 14 )
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Mmh. I understand.

It's a very nice game, but since it's in VERY early beta, there are a lot of errors, and not that much content. I mean, I got a good week worth of playing out of it so far, but I keep wasting fuel landing on useless planets, so... :twilightangry2:

I wanna play Starbound.

Oof. I should consider myself lucky. I can play games like TF2, Starbound, Minecraft, Planetside, but it's hard for me, these games are obviously not designed for laptops. I get lots of errors, usually. But hey, at least you can still write! :twilightblush:
And mine's not to old, just overused and neglected :(

Damn. That sucks. I own an old laptop as well. So far, other than League, I can only play 2-D games like Terraria and Dust: An Elysium Tale smoothly.

I love the whole "Code Warriors" concept. Good stuff!
I tried LoL, but thanks to my shitty WEAK laptop, I get an error message saying PvP.net Patcher Kernel has stopped working. Darn >.<

You should add me. I'm ChaoticNoteworth on there.
There is also a chatroom in the game called Bronies that you may be interested in joining. I'll try to show you where it is later after you friend me.

Also, Chaotic would make a pretty terrible president.

I think a Discord cameo would be fun, but that's entirely your decision.
Seriously. I cracked up at the "Hello sweetie." part. Chaotic is a FINE character. CHAOTIC FOR PRESIDENT 2016.
Anyways, I'll try LoL, and I'll keep reading this great fanfic! Good job.

Hmm... well I haven't thought about including a Discord cameo into the story, but since this story takes place after S3's Magic Duel episode, I'd say it's probably doable.
I'm quite surprised you like the self-insert. Really, I am.:twilightsheepish:
I don't know very many games like this, but I have been playing League of Legends a lot lately. It's a really fun, free MOBA game that I think you may enjoy. It's not Play-To-Win. Only great character skins for all the champion/characters you can play.:twilightsmile:

Well, lets see...
I've read 4 chapters so far.
I love the whole I. R. V. concept.
I love the whole economy system.
I love how the characters are pretty much themselves.
I love the whole concept of this MMORPG.
I love how you put yourself into the story.
I love all of the references.
I love everything. I really think there is nothing I dislike in this story. I AM HOOKED.
Thanks for making such a FANTASTIC fanfic. YOU CERTAINLY DESERVE not only one person faving, but hundreds, thousands! You, sir, have earned it. Now, one thing.
Know any good games like this I could play? I'm so hyped up for gaming right now. :twilightsmile:

Oh, P.S. Sorry for being such a sycophant, but this is a BEAUTIFUL THING. Godspeed.
AND ONE MORE THING: I would like to see Discord create a profile. That would be funny :3

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(What the letter really meant: Thank you for a fave on the story and following me! That really means a lot! After you're done reading up to the latest chapter, what would you say your favorite parts of the story were so far?:twilightsmile:)

Thanks for joining Battlefield: Equestria! :pinkiehappy:

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