• Member Since 6th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 4th, 2020


A brony stuck at an altitude of 7,220 feet.


Soon... · 6:13pm Apr 13th, 2014

The next chapter of Moonlight Sonata is almost ready for release. It took forever, but the chapter has met my standards and now its editing time. I also would like to apologize to all of you for having to wait for so long, I have been distracted by other projects (and games and roller derby duties). I am going to post previews of said projects on here, and I would really appreciate some initial reactions and feed back. Also, I am contemplating sending Sonata to EQD. I have heard stories

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Thanks for the fave! :eeyup:

Thanks for the follow! :raritystarry:

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I see you are following Squeak-anon as well. Good tastes confirmed.:trollestia:

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