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Team Four Star goes to Equestria It's the hilarious minds of Team Four Star going to Equestria... what more can I say? by Linite 23,562 words · 233 · 13
Twilight invades Best Buy Twilight goes to Best Buy since Celestia doesn't know how to pick out a good computer for her subjects. by Linite 1,614 words · 56 · 1
A Warlocks Destiny A Warlock Guardian named Aron Williams had been working with the Speaker on a way to traverse other planes of existance. After years of hard work and study of the Void they believe they found what they were looking for. by Linite 5,520 words · 87 · 6
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Dash of Humanity Have you ever woken up as a vegan cartoon pony? I have, and she won’t shut up about it. I’m stuck in her body as our minds swap control and our memories blur. I’m not sure I can survive the rest of the day, let alone until we fix it by Kaidan 94,475 words · 4,140 · 161
Dash of Humanity 2: A New Dawn I'm stuck in Equestria, which reminds me of the dark ages. Instead of internet and fast-food, I have Rainbow Dash. She's been asked to help me learn to fit in... I'd like a refund. by Kaidan 72,599 words · 3,241 · 142
Daughter of Darkness Scootaloo introduces her parents to Ponyville. Hilarity ensues. by Tatsurou 21,595 words · 747 · 23
These are just great!
Watching, yes. YES! My army! It continues to grow!
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there were no survivors, they all died in ecstasy, what a horrifyingly awesome way to die
1522559 That's a crazy comment, but I find crazy to be fun.
1336804 hello, human.. also, I CAN FLY!!! WHEEEE!!!!!! if you're wondering if i'm insane, well, if you consider a person who figured out how to create giant wings controlled by the human brain, then proceeded to use them, insane, then yes, if not, well, we understand each other. also, pretty funny picture of demon stewie
1335370 I know right, they must be putting money into their movies cause they just seem to be getting better. Also I thought of RD when Goten was like "So awesome...". A fantastic movie for sure.
That didn't make me laugh as much since I had already heard it twice in the japanese version. Stuff that killed me and was only in the dub was:
Trunks going "That's my main squeeze."
And then Goten keeps on saying "AWESOME..."
Pilaf saying "Why would you fly to go 25 feet?!"
And the fuckin bingo song lol (it's not as funny in Japanese)
GotG was WAY beyond what I expected. Marvel must be orgasming from how much money they're making recently.