• Member Since 1st Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen June 30th


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I make no promises...

... but I have been getting back into writing.

I've dealt with so much in my personal life, I feel like I may never get back to doing what I love and writing a story for all to enjoy.

I LOVE writing.

I miss it.

It's been sorely needed, dipping my toe back into the waters...

I'm SO horrendously rusty...

But it soothes the soul, so~!

And I want to soothe all of yours, too :heart::heart:

I do promise to keep updates posted. I am usually lurking on here several times a week anyhow, and I think I need to start taking a more social/productive role in the FiMFiction community. I also think it'll help my melancholy that has been weighing me down for so long.

I'm tired of waiting for things to die down in my life, to "have the time" to start writing again. I need to just DO it, and make the time.

I think I can do this.

I think I need to do this.

...I make no promises, only but to try!

You are all SO lovely and beautiful!~ :raritystarry::raritystarry:


I make no promises... · 3:30pm Feb 20th, 2019

... but I have been getting back into writing.

I've dealt with so much in my personal life, I feel like I may never get back to doing what I love and writing a story for all to enjoy.

I LOVE writing.

I miss it.

It's been sorely needed, dipping my toe back into the waters...

I'm SO horrendously rusty...

But it soothes the soul, so~!

And I want to soothe all of yours, too :heart::heart:

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Comments ( 42 )
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Thanks for reading my story. :heart:

Achievement Unlocked!

You have earned the...

While normally I'd post a cute, silly, and customized message...AAAAAA, I'M IN THE FEATURE BOX AND THEY'RE POURING IN LIKE THE FLOOD IN THE FIRST HALO GAME!

Yo what happened with the misfortune of kiwi blitz

Thank you for the fave on Hunted. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for another fave. Glad you enjoyed "All That Body . . ."! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42
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