E3 Part 1 · 7:16pm Jun 15th, 2014
I know I haven't written anything in a while, but don't worry. My entry for the Gamer Luna contest is going well, and might even be finished in time for the contest deadline (ha!). I've also gotten some work done on the newest chapter of 'Days of the Past', and some work done on a fun little Discord one-shot. So when something comes, expect quite a few small things. But obviously you're not here for my fanfiction. No, what you probably want - considering the title of this blog post - is to hear
1217374 ...Sadly, only awakening and Shadow Chronicles I think it was called...
...I'm watching you. And Chrom, for that matter. Naga knows he's got an appetite.
Actually, on that thought, which Fire Emblem's have you played? It seems you played the DS ones, and I'd be interested to know of their quality.
1217226 Yep. That was definitely Gauis and not me or somebody else who would maybe not do that.
I haeard they weren't too good form quite a few fans of the series. They're not generally recommended from what I know.
Also, I know it was Gaius who stole my pie. I know it.
1217178 Drat! It also doesn't help that Kris and Gaius raided all the sweet shops of Regna Ferox, Plegia, and Ylisse.
Double drat! I need to know if Radiant Dawn is good or not!