• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 4th, 2022



Attackof The Life Stealers · 8:51am Nov 11th, 2013

Just a short thing to say I am still alive. New chapter or story by end of the month if I have my way.

Love you too work, life and ADHD.

Report Alkali · 319 views ·

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Comments ( 16 )
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Thank you for adding Pulse to your favorites! :pinkiehappy:

Not a problem! I got directed to one of your stories and I just couldn't stop. You're quite good ^_^

Thank you ever so much for the Fav flood darling!! <3

Thanks for the fave!!:raritywink:

Thanks for the favourite :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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